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Fuck Cars

Frustrated that cars get FOUR lanes on a one-way downtown street, while cyclists get nothing.

Fuck Cars

Transporting heavy/bulky stuff?

Fuck Cars

Frustrated with Driving and the Lack of Public Transportation

Fuck Cars

This is what walkability means for me

Fuck Cars

Bike/pedestrian-unfriendly retail & shopping centers

Fuck Cars

…. But can you walk the walk

Fuck Cars

The generation that complains about "participation trophy kids" is the same generation that made it impossible for kids to walk or bike to school

Fuck Cars

Aren't parking garages a decent way to consolidate parking as densely as possible? Why the hate?

Fuck Cars

Who thought this was a good idea?

Fuck Cars

So my local council are doing some road upgrades...

Fuck Cars

transit oriented development vs 15 minute city

Fuck Cars

Bus commuters of Lemmy, do you use bars or handles?

Fuck Cars

How are you fucking cars?

Fuck Cars

Opinion on Motorbikes as Car Replacements

Fuck Cars

Successfully expanding collective transport does not only require better infrastructure, but also promoting civic behavior

Fuck Cars

What do you do with your e-bike when you go to a store?

Fuck Cars

What would your solution be for long haul travel with animals?

Fuck Cars

[discussion] Why don't we have more options for recreation without cars? I don't want access to nature to be gatekeeped behind car ownership.

Fuck Cars

[discussion] Rules for this Community

Fuck Cars

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