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German-Israeli Shani Louk is confirmed dead, 3 weeks after Hamas captured her and paraded her through Gaza

  • Oh man she was just innocently partying in a genocidal ethno state right next to worlds biggest open air prison. So sad.

    • Which isn't a reason to be paraded half naked nor killed for the sins of the power hungry leader of both states. There is no excuse good enough to indiscriminately kill civilians.

      • She was paraded in the outfit she was partying in. They didn't need to strip her she did that herself.

        Also when people have a rave party on Crimea are they just innocent civilians that should be completely harmless from Ukranian attacks? Unless Israel forced her to be partying on Palestinian land why was she there?

  • You are all ridiculous with your dirty propaganda. "paraded, raped..." too big, like the story about beheaded babies. So, Hamas would have the time and leisure to do that under intense fucking bombing and fighting. What a joke! Israelis confirming every single jewish clichés that we heard on history channel about Nazi's vision on them!

    Between, Yocheved Lifshitz, elderly recently freed has another story.