This union was not meant to be.
This union was not meant to be.
This union was not meant to be.
If the odd number ends with a 5, it's fine imo
Honorary even number.
Except 45, just go to 50 you coward.
Multiples of 5 are Bad
Is that a thing people get upset about? I've just been turning the volume up or down until it sounds right this whole time like a fool 😰
You should repent for the horrors you've subjected others to.
i 3d printed something to cover my car's radio display. it only functions as an aux input to my phone anyway, literally the only thing it does is output audio and have a volume knob. there's no need to have it lit up in my car interior destroying my night vision with its tacky fake VFD-style panel backlit with 2005-cool-tier blue LEDs.
...that was my rationale I came up with for why I made and installed it, which I would give other people who asked. in actuality, it's because I can't see the volume number anymore. what I don't know won't hurt me. I'm free.
Ever since I made an analog audio setup for my computers I have been really happy about not having to worry about volume number niceness
Subscribed for more 3D printed car tricks.
You sick bastard.
No no no, we're not fools, its the people afraid of odd numbers who are the fools, lol the number 3 can't hurt you, you bloody weirdos.
No don't worry. You're the normal one.
Yeah, why no love for odd numbers?? Got be at least like half of ’em
My car's plate ends with a k, which is even by my reckoning (in base 36 (0 to z))
Yeah, give or take one
I'm going to argue that zero being even gives the evens an advantage.
The receiver attached to my TV let's me do ½ volume numbers. It's great to raise the volume to 45.5. 😈
Sometimes you need to go to 11 though.
I feel like we are destined to be friends.
All volume scales should be 1-11. CMV.
She squeeze the toothpaste out at the top and leave the tube twisted.
That mattered a lot more when the tubes were metal foil
You don’t use a handpump?
That’s so brilliant it seems obvious in hindsight. This isn’t a thing where I live. I’ve now checked SimpleHuman’s product line since it seems like their kinda thing, and nope. Google is telling me it’s a UK and Australia thing? I need one now.
What if its prime?
I don't use Amazon.
Optimus can do whatever he wants since he's technically a machine.
1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19 are the only volumes.
I only do prime numbers; even, odds, multiples of fives… nope, those don’t sit right with me, only primes. It just makes sense to me and always has.
I’ll die on this hill…
I only set mine to prime numbers. Fite me.
Ah found my family. Usually i watch shows at 17 or 19, but the whispery ones need to go up to 29, or even 31
I'd allow 51 just because it's divisible by 17 and I think that's neat (but my TV only goes up to 50)
You should submit a bug report.
My car works perfectly with multiples of 5, so I prefer that. But you guys wanna hear something really fucking sick? I played a game where the volume would increase with DECIMAL POINTS. And it was borderline impossible to get to a whole number. It was always 8.17 or something. The devs were clearly some kind sociopath. Anyway, I noticed in the last update they changed it to whole numbers, so apparently enough people explained that that sort of thing is just insanity.
Why is it insanity?
Yes, officer, this guy right here
If that doesn't feel wrong in your brain, I can't explain it.
The comfortable volume levels on my tv are between 8 and 15, so I’m using every one of them.
I would like TVs to offer a custom scale. Where the minimum and maximum values are reasonable, but the numbers are proportionate.
Legally mandated support for:
35 is for when the kid is in the truck.
45 is for my damaged hearing by myself.
60 is all the way up, bass boost off, most songs don't distort the sub.
My new TV maxes out at 120 and I hate it. What sort of scale is that?
Especially considering that anything in excess of about 12 is deafening.
My car uses an even more fucked scale. It tops out at 63, of all numbers.
It's because the volume is stored in a 2^6
My Corolla goes up one from 63 to "max" , which is a number I've never heard of.
I was thinking maybe it has to do with 0-63 being 64 numbers which could be a small convenient bit storage. But that's 6 fucking bits which as far as I know nothing really stores in values lower than a byte. Maybe there is some chip somewhere and 6 bits are used for volume and the other bits are getting used for other things. It's still a very weird value to have
120 has a lot of factors. It's a good number for a lot of situations. But IDK why it would be desirable to be able to set the TV to one sixth of its max volume when sound doesn't scale linearly anyway.
This is why the objectively right way to display volume is how most avr’s do it, in decibels.
120 is way better than 100
It's a multiple of every number you can count on your hands except for 7 and 9
A direct improvement over 100, which misses out on 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (half of them!)
the main reason why feet are 12 inches and great for carpentry math.. divisible by 1,2,3,4, and 6
Ending on a 4 or 6 is as bad as ending on a 1 or 9.
Must end in an even number or 5, but cannot end in 4 or 6.
So 2, 5, 8, 0?
Ending in a 4 is good actually because it invokes the pleasant feeling of writing a 4
This is some autistic shit. I say this as an autist.
I now imagine ad-like comment.
This is very autistic.
Sponsored by International Autistic Union.
I like 33, seems like a solid number.
Hah. I have to have my volume set to multiples of 8 because I got so used to doing bit conversions and using systems where I octets are used. Even DooM and the old DooM editors used multiples of 8 for things like floor heights and texture sizes.
Multiples or 8 or containing 8 are gr8.
Do people really care about this kinda stuff? I just turn it up till I feel like it's right. I honestly don't even need the numbers
I don't see any number or visual cues with the way I got my system setup, it's great. I would not care either and would just set it where I think the volume is the best, that can definitely be one specific level and not the next or previous.
Even numbers are the best volume numbers and I will die on this hill.
A real even numbers homie would die on 2 hills
Or zero.
Started as a wedding and ended as an exorcism.
4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 50, 55, 60, 66, 70, 77, 80, 88, 90, 99
Regardless of if 30, 50 or 100 is max. 13, 14, 16, 18 can be used if absolutely necessary, may get the volume right, but will have to live with the 'dial' is unbalanced.
22????? Huh??
Yup. You're definitely replying to a bot
The odds are good, but the goods are odd.
The odd numbers are the correct numbers. The even numbers are just there to spread out the odd numbers.
What if it's a multiple of 5?
Obviously that's ok since it's an even half of 10.
1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 9 – 11
37 sounds the best. Cope.
The volume should be at 0, that’s how loud it’s intended to be. Fuck the neighbors.
i do this with camera setting. f/3.5? oh no, must be changed to f/4 or f/2.8
Hmm. My camera is currently set to aperture priority and f/1.2. I want a heavy blur behind the subject. Also it's in a moderately dark room
Right? I’m not like a photographer, I just shoot film on a used analog that I picked up on a whim while traveling. I was given to understand that you had your film ISO, your shutter speed, and your aperture, and while you could prioritize one of them the others would be forced to change with the prioritized one in order to maintain the proper exposure given the lighting conditions.
Like if you had 800 ISO film, and wanted to shoot at night in low light without bokah at like f/16 or f/32, letting in less light, you’d have to lower your shutter speed to the point you’d need a tripod and a shutter bulb.
On a side note when I first got the camera I was traveling for work and really only had time to shoot at night. It took me forever to figure out how to pull off street photography with a shutter speed that doesn’t require a tripod at night, even with like 800 ISO film. It’s been years at this point and I’m just now figuring out how to meter on the fly decently enough that the entire roll isn’t just black.
I like to leave the volume on mersenne numbers if i can.
My soundbar just has lights, so there's no number to get anal about.
Does it have an even number of them?
The lights each have bright and dim settings, so I guess you could be anal about none of them being dimmed.
The only exception to unions for all
7 is perfect volume and lucky number
Use to be increment of 5 purist then I became truly woke. Wake up sheeple
A few odd numbers are good volume numbers, and plenty of even numbers are bad volume numbers. Volume must be set to one of the following: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 32, maybe 34, 36, 42, 48, 49, 54, 64, 72, 81, ...