Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'
Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'

Smash Bros. Ultimate and Zelda: TOTK targeted

Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'
Smash Bros. Ultimate and Zelda: TOTK targeted
This is Nintendo trying to enforce Japanese law on a global scale, again.
Nintendo, I used to love you. Now I hate you. Stop it.
Why is Nintendo such a gigantic piece of shit about fucking everything
Some of it is pure hubris. But some of it is American IP law, which will punish you if you don't zealously prosecute people in defense of your patents. Its sort of like laws on squatting. If someone is openly and notoriously using your IP and you don't try to sue them for a long enough time, they can claim the property as functionally abandoned.
For Nintendo, which hasn't had a particularly good new idea in 20 years, the idea of losing Mario or Link or Pikachu to a legal loophole like this would be devastating.
I'd agree with you, except Sony, another massive Japanese company operating in the same industry as Nintendo, doesn't lash out this aggressively at their own community that is just desperately trying to enjoy games in their own way.
Sony has left basically all emulation projects alone as well as modding projects like 60FPS patches (there was one emulator that they took to court in the 90s, Bleem, but Bleem was charging money for the emulator. Funnily enough, Bleem won the case and was allowed to continue existing, but the company went under due to the cost of the legal battle) .
Nintendo doesn't have to act out like this. They actively choose to stifle such products so that they themselves can offer tightly curated versions on their own schedule and at their own price. This isn't an IP protection strategy, it's an agressive cornering of their own market.
It’s not patents, it’s trademarks. Kleenex is the best example: Overuse of it as a generic term leads the company to call it “Kleenex brand”. Lego has fought this for years, with the boxes promoting calling them “Lego bricks”, lest all building bricks become generic “Legos”.
Patents expire after 17 years regardless of usage, trademarks can last forever.
There are people commenting on that article that are saying they don't even think modding games is "right". Talk about a bootlicker 😅
A lot of that seemingly came from when modder = cheater in GTAV. Saw a huge swing to that at the height of that game's popularity.
Edit: Read through the comments and it's related to GTA but in a different way. The guy was comparing bootlegging to modding because someone in his country, Indonesia, was modding GTA:SA to add children's show characters to it, changing the packaging to make it more appealing to children, and then is selling the discs to people. Which is a whole other can of worms.
Anyone else that mentioned they didn't like modding didn't really elaborate.
and because of an attitude like this, my family wil never buy anything from nintendo again.
Just buy used. You get all the goodies without supporting their shitty practices, while not even having to deal with the ethics of piracy. It’s all win.
Why bother? Paid, non-transferable cloud backups, low-spec hardware that wears out in a few months, over-hyped/half-finished games (assuming they're ever released), back catalogs that aren't available if you don't subscribe or repurchase every generation... Just skip em.
If you want AAA games, there's plenty you can play mobile or on PC (or both), or if you specifically want indie, there's plenty of them too on , individual websites, and steam (among many others; GoG, HumbleBundle, etc). You frequently don't even need to pay for these games, since a lot of them are free or via user-decided donations (mostly re: indies).
Hardware that can run them range everywhere from GPD handhelds to Steam Deck to any number of either's competitors, and they also function as more than just game machines since they run either Linux or Windows.
Nintendo who?
Yup. This is also why I stopped buying Nintendo products.
This has been my stance for decades. They’re worse than Ubisoft when it comes to immoral and unethical treatment of their fans and customers.
I do get the Ubisoft hate, but at the very very least, they don't shut mods down. There are still mods being actively developed for games like Ghost Recon 1 and Rainbow Six 3.
They can still get all the way fucked for pulling The Crew.
They've been like this for decades.
My last Nintendo buy was a wii for homebrew...
GameBanana mods have saved me so much wasted time while playing animal crossing nh with my daughter.
The game is cute but it's so slow with many long loading screens and has one if the worst UIs of any game I've ever played. Mods were able to help a bit atleast.
Fuck Nintendo.
I am getting really tired of these all these chucklefucks being in charge of things they patently do not understand. Modders are the modern lifeline of gaming. They work for free, fix your fuck-ups, and breath life into games that are years and sometimes decades old. Rimworld and Factorio both started their crowd funding campaigns in 2013, and both are wildly popular 11 years later, still selling copies. Factorio is just now coming out with their first expansion, and Rimworld just came out with their 4th. Neither Ludeon Studios (Rimworld) nor Wube Software (Factorio) have had ANY financial need to produce any other projects besides these games. Why are they so wildly profitable and evergreen? They both have rabid modding communities that have been supported and cultivated by the developers constantly fixing and expanding modding support to allow for an infinite variety of new content to be created for their games. Hell, the Vanilla Expanded team of Rimworld modders have actually turned it into a primary income source via Patreon.
AAA devs need to just sit down and thank these modders for tirelessly working on their games after release for free. Ever since DoTA became more popular than Warcraft 3, they all have their panties in a bunch and keep trying to claim ownership over all mods. No, bad developers smacks on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. God, it pisses me off to no end.
They both have rabid modding communities
Minecraft would have been dead a decade ago if it wasn't for modding. Look at all those custom servers and hosting platforms. All the Youtube content.
YouTube changed because of Minecraft and gaming. Used to be, shorter videos were YouTube MO, and that's how you were paid well. Long form videos changed the landscape, and those videos started at gaming content, Minecraft being the main attractor.
The lawsuit company which makes games on the side strikes again.
And this is why I haven't bought anything Nintendo since the DSi. Fuck you, Nintendo.
Buy nintendo stuff.
Just buy it used, and hack it, lol.
Its what I did with my New3DSXL (god I hate the naming conventions on these things..)
Stop playing Nintendo games and buying Nintendo consoles. Why support a company that is so hostile to its own fanbase?
Because their games are so good. There is no denying that Mario games are incredible platformers with super tight controls and any Zelda game is going to be a good adventure at the very least.
That’s why pirate then, anyways.
The latest Mario games have seemed to been quite meh for me, like out of watching gameplay of them anyway. Legend of Zelda though I'm not a Zelda fan but dang was tears of the Kingdom fun to watch, almost made me break my boycott on their products, thankfully though they've issued like three rounds of dmca since which has firmly solidified my decision.
Outside of a few first party titles (Even those have been lackluster), Nintendo doesn't really have much going for it lately does it? I know the Switch 2 is coming which I have no desire for. Hell, my Switch hasn't been touched in a couple years. So many other options that Nintendo no longer sits on the pedestal it once did.
Switch 2 is coming which I have no desire for.
I was hyped for the Switch 2 until the latest round of bullshit lawsuits. Now I'm going to pass.
I'll be sure to buy an emulator from China pre-loaded with every Switch 2 title in about a decade, though.
I honestly care more to see what comes out of a Switch 2 emulator than what games it will play.
It's the typical end-of-generation lull right now, but even with that, the brand is broadly, wildly popular. The Switch is approaching the PS2's sales record. Throw in all the money from MTX now and it's surely the most profitable venture ever in traditional video games.
That's precisely why Nintendo can afford to burn up goodwill with trash like this move.
I couldn't disagree more. Other than Pokémon their first-party releases have been pretty much flawless this generation, it's arguably the strongest lineup of games any Nintendo console has ever seen. There's a reason the Switch is currently in route to become the best selling console of all time. That's not an excuse to their legal team shenanigans, of course, but credit where credit is due.
I'm sure the fact that Nintendo systems sell well with families and has been massively cheaper than a ps5/Xbox series x plus been available for much longer and there's been very little stock problems unlike the ps5 has nothing to do with why its one of the top selling systems... Comments like yours always read like propaganda as they never mention other factors than games.
I've been the same way with my switch, I haven't touched it for probably a year and a half outside of a short bit when tears of the Kingdom launched where I replayed some of breath of the wild and a small portion of Animal Crossing, I agree
They had been falling for at least 4 years now, I had already strayed from doing anything on the switch from lack of appeal, but their crackdown on dmca with the yuzu Community was the final straw for me, I didn't even use the emulator myself but I've always heavily embraced emulation and the ability to Tinker with stuff that you purchase and that just didn't sit right with me.
It was also around that time that I actually read into what happened with Gary Bowser, and that made me sick to my stomach, because it was essentially the equivalent of Prosecuting a cashier for the crimes that the CEO did.
Honestly even if they were still prospering I wouldn't recommend the products, it's hard enough to recommend their product to customers in the first place due the platform restrictions and the fact that they just keep regurgitating the three same IP over and over again, and that's without the active hostilities towards their fanbase
ahh Nintendo. don't like our game our way? fuck you.
Modding is not a commercial venture, Nintendo! Get fucked.
uBlock stopped at 53 blocks.
Went on to that modder's profile and I can only see comments on randomizer mods? How is that infringing lol. That's a shame since I loved replaying the original Breath of the Wild with the Linkle mod that even changed dialogue.
The mods only work with ROMs, so the idea is to take down anything that might make people want ROMs to emulate. Whether they have a legal right to do so or not.
I just cant support Nintendo anymore, Sony burned their bridge with me after terrible support of the Vita and PSVR and hardware issues with the PS4, Microsoft seems hell-bent on becoming a third party.
I have a Steam Deck and honestly its the only platform i feel good about the future of. I thought I was done with PC gaming in 2013, Im getting older and I much prefer the simplicity of the console experience, but its looking like the ONLY choice rn.
Release a SteamOS console and save us Valve, youre our only hope.
Playing steam games on the TV has become really good. I played through most of control over steamlink and besides my ps4 controler losing power too often - which has nothing to do with steam, it has been a blast.
Games that can be played with controller work great on the tv.
Steam Deck and other handhelds like Lenovo Legion Go, ASUS ROG Ally (I know, their horrible customer support...), Odin 2, RG556, Retroid Pocket 4 Pro, etc make portable gaming better than ever tbh.