Verdant Sorcerer Bloodline
Verdant Sorcerer Bloodline
Create and format documents and homebrew content for Pathfinder Second Edition. (This website is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc.)
u/MeiraTheTiefling on Reddit has released a homebrew Sorcerer subclass for feedback and testing:
I try to keep my homebrew as close as possible to official design standards, so feedback is always welcome!
Q: Can I share your content or use it in my games? A: Absolutely! Please credit me as MeiraTheTiefling when sharing with others. Also, if this ever hits your table, I would love it if you reached out to me eventually to let me know how it plays :)
Q: When might the Thornmaw Snapper make saving throws? A: Any time it makes sense, e.g. if it's affected by an indiscriminate AoE (like Howling Blizzard) or a reasonable creature-targeting ability (like Ignition). If there's any doubt, the GM has the final call. Note that its Tendrils never make saving throws, as they're only affected by attacks that deal damage.
To check out my other work (mostly 5e homebrew as of now), visit my Homebrewery page!