DNC billboard knocks Trump as ‘convicted white-collar crook’ ahead of campaign rally
DNC billboard knocks Trump as ‘convicted white-collar crook’ ahead of campaign rally
DNC billboard knocks Trump as ‘convicted white-collar crook’ ahead of campaign rally
Those folks would be really upset if they were able to read.
They know the word white.
Why wouldn't they write "convicted felon?" Who writes for these idiots? Everyone in Congress is a white-collar crook.
Because I believe the strict legal definition of a convicted felon requires sentencing.
You are not convicted until the judge enters that judgment of guilt. Now, in New York, it’s very likely that Judge Merchan will enter that judgment of guilt against Trump on the same day that he issues sentencing. That’d be July 11th.
This is from a Yale Law professor.
Dems are incompetent even when gifts literally fall into their laps, episode 84726. Why the fuck would you make an attack ad saying “HE’S A CRIMINAL—but don’t worry not a thug, like a white collar one :)”
I'm starting to give legitimate consideration to the question, "Are they trying to lose?"
I know, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence", but... Come on! At what point is it no longer an "adequate explanation"?!