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  • So this is where managers learn math.

    • I will recite Hofstadter's Law:

      It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

      Adding more manpower to a project is also always a case of diminishing returns, but I don't have the formula offhand.

  • Most speedrunners know about the glitch in Beethoven's 9th where if you have the entire brass section make a quarter turn to the left at just the right moment of the open fifths the whole symphony freezes for a second and then drops you straight into the Ode to Joy.

  • We need a player for every note in the score(tied notes can be played by a single musician). On the conductor's downstroke everyone plays their note. Every note of the 9th played simultaneously. I want to hear this, but I don't think that my poor old computer would function if I opened that many individual instruments in Reason.

  • You can play and record one voice, then do next and next and next.