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What is a quote that captures something you've learnt through living your life?

Edit: while I'm at it, does anyone know what I should do when I'm waiting for a coincidence/adventure to happen, but it never comes? I can't really go outside and arrange for it to happen because I don't know what I'm looking for.

  • "Heroes are not giant statues framed against a red sky, they are people who say 'This is my community and it's my responsibility to make it better.'" - Tom McCall, Oregon Governor 1967-1974.

  • Always have an exit plan.

    Not sure it's really a quote, so maybe it doesn't count ... but it's such common wisdom that it probably should count.

    I never really appreciated it until I went through something where the wisdom of it would have made the difference. The slightly more precise version, IMO, is that whenever you're in a position where something beyond your control can have a substantial influence on the outcome, you need an exit plan before you commit to that position, where that plan includes the definition of the conditions which trigger both the preparation of the execution of the plan and the time to actually exit.

    The whole idea is to be prepared to not get fucked by other people or bad luck. And half of the benefit of having the plan is in the perspective it gives you. Instead of having Stockholm syndrome or suffering from the sunk cost fallacy, you naturally assess your situation as the set of trade offs that it is and more naturally perceive the toxic people that are essentially stuck in their worlds and either hold others back or propagate the culture that holds others back.

    Make sure you have the plan, including the trigger conditions, formulated ahead of time, and regularly think back on the plan as you're going along, adjusting or reassessing as necessary.