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  • From the same animation studio that did Castlevania and Blood of Zeus

    That's really disappointing to hear. I watched this trailer and saw the similarities, but was hoping this was a different studio because the animation looks incredibly bad in this trailer. The last couple seasons of CastleVania were also really rough, too. Is Netflix not paying the studio enough anymore? It's sad to see such low quality come from them after being spoiled with the first few seasons of CastleVania.

    • Yeah... Individual stills look ok, but "movement" has like, no in-betweens at all.

    • I'm surprised you thought Castlevania looked bad? I'm not the biggest fan of the show but I thought the animation, especially during the fight scenes was great.

      • For the first couple seasons, I thought the animation quality was really good. But toward the end it started to feel like the animation budget was being reserved pretty much only for the action scenes, which were getting more and more scarce. Maybe it's not fair of me to say that CastleVania looked bad, per se, but just that there was a noticeable decline in quality as it went on.

        But also, I believe the last one or two seasons were done by a different studio, if memory serves, so that could also be a factor.

        But this Tomb Raider trailer isn't selling me on it. They did a great job blending their hand-drawn and CGI animation in CastleVania, but it's pretty jarring from this trailer. There are a few shots that look like the teams that rendered the background had no communication with the teams that animated Lara for the same shot, as if she's copy/pasted from a completely different scene to one she's not meant to be in. There's a lot of switching between animating on 1s and 2s within the same shot that are really disorientating. I'm hoping that this all is just an unfinished version for the trailer and not an artistic choice.