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No problems here
  • I use Thunder, full support here.

  • No problems here
  • It's legit scary to see tech approach the point where private companies might develop systems that could and in some way are endangering humanity as a species, and all their decision-makers are concerned with is corporate success.

  • Arasaka: Extreme Performance
  • You could. The original file is print quality.

    You can find a 1.3GB download of posters in the extras on GOG.

  • Arasaka: Extreme Performance
  • I might...

    Planning on posting them over time on !, and here, too.

    You can find them as a bonus download on GOG. They are extremely highres, I reduced this one to a quarter res. The original file is a single page pdf of over 100 megs.

  • No problems here
  • They look like this

    It's an expandable full-width deal. The spoiler start tag has to be on its own line, and the same goes for the ending three commas.

    MelodiousFunk has replied with a cleartext example.

  • Door Kickem! (by Polilla)

    Artist: Polilla | pixiv | danbooru

    Full quality: .png 7 MB (5952 × 5232)

    No problems here
  • The format is ::: spoiler and a title on the same line.

    Content on new lines, then ::: to end it.

  • No problems here
  • Obligatory "fuck Ted Faro"

  • Monster Tidbits 33 - Griffin and Hippogriff

    TLN: Hyoutan kara koma or "A horse from a gourd" is a japanese proverb meaning "seemingly impossible things sometimes do happen".

    Puhelinliittymiä myydään tiskin alta piilotetuilla alehinnoilla – näin paljon voit säästää
  • Itellä ollut jo pitkään tapana sanoa myyjille suoraan, että kunnon alennus sit päälle tai vaihdan moille/prepaidiin.

    Hinnasta saa aina pois oikein kunnolla kunhan kysyy ja heti näyttää että tietää näistä myyntikikoista. Ei pitäisi tarvita mutta niin se on.

    Elisa yritti vielä rumempaa kikkaa, soittivat ilmoittamaan että nopeampaa kotinettiä saa nyt samaan hintaan viihdepaketilla. Elisa viihde ei kiinnosta pätkääkään, joten kysyin saanko paremman hinnan ja netin vieläkin edullisemmin ilman pakettidiiliä.

    Ei, kuulemma.

    Valhe. Heti kun itse menin katsomaan päivitetyt hinnat, perusnettikin oli nopeampi ja halvempi kuin ennen. Mutta puhelimessa teeskenneltiin ettei moista uudistusta ole, joten ellen olisi käynyt katsomassa, olisi vanha kalliimpi jäänyt käyttöön.

  • Marcille (by Nears)
  • Huh?

    The artist has depicted her the way she appeared in episode 12. Out of 24.

  • A new Resident Evil is in the works
  • I'm not sure whether you're kidding, but I wouldn't complain either.

    Five and six are not good games, but played in co-op, slightly drunk, they are a riot of cringe, ridiculousness and camp.

    We laughed our asses off in the Ada story sections where the second player constantly pops into existence as a faceless "agent" because Ada doesn't normally have a companion, but they had to make her sections somehow playable in co-op.

    The games are top tier material to laugh at.

  • Nijika (by Seisyuntarotto)

    Artist: Seisyuntarotto | pixiv | danbooru

    Full quality: .jpg 1 MB (2524 × 2524)

    Marcille (by Nears)
  • She was walking around in pools of it throughout episode 12.

  • GTA Online adds a quality-of-life feature players have wanted for years then upsets everyone by paywalling it: 'One of the slimiest things they've done in a while'
  • Probably in addition to buying the game for 80 or 90 bucks, with a "super deluxe" version above 100.

  • Commission (by Lobsteranian)
  • No. Just the same title as on pixiv.

  • Commission (by Lobsteranian)

    Artist: Lobsteranian | pixiv | danbooru

    Full quality: .png 18 MB (3508 × 2480)

    Baby Shark (by Freng)
  • just kawaii goob

  • Dead Of Memories (by Cactas)

    Artist: Cactas | pixiv | artstation

    Full quality: .jpg 2 MB (3840 × 2160)

    Baby Shark (by Freng)

    Artist: Freng | pixiv | twitter | danbooru

    Full quality: .png 5 MB (2426 × 3456)

    How to get good at FPS with a controller, coming from a PC gamer?
  • They key for gyro aiming on a console where the screen is attached, is to get the movement to be as one to one as possible, to make it work as if the screen is a portal into the game world that turns in a matching direction as you move the device.

    I had this revelation back with the PS Vita, where Killzone Mercenaries worked this way by default. It was magical for an FPS game to play that well on the tiny vita with its miniature analogue sticks.

    The joystick camera input and gyro also worked in concert, I'm fairly certain the game hybridized the input signals such that if you moved the device to correct your aim, that would override any current input signal from the stick, making it possible to correct overshoot and undershoot in a way that almost felt like the console was reading your mind.

    I've not been able to get that with steam input, but you can get close.

  • How can I transfer non-steam games between Linux devices.
  • Not really. Just install bottles, usage is extremely self-explanatory as the UI is very good.

    But if you need more details, the bottles docs are great.

  • MentalEdge MentalEdge

    Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

    Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

    Posts 2.8K
    Comments 2.6K