Guess these types have always been around.
Guess these types have always been around.
Guess these types have always been around.
Yeah, since ancient times. Read some old literature and you’re sure to find incel shit.
"Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Why is that guy in the second frame carrying a pickaxe but wearing a suit?
That's his Minecraft skin
Obviously some kind of symbolism, but not sure what. I did some searching, but not finding anything.
I think it's just how miners dressed, more or less.
Why is this Loss...?
Hah! Of course a female librarian would miscategorize a tome like that! Why was a woman placed in charge of books anyway? I suppose they need her to keep the shelves well-dusted and tidy?
(/s of course)