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    • Final Fantasy VII
    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    • GoldenEye 007
    • Metal Gear Solid
    • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
    • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
    • Monkey Island
    • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
    • Red Dead Redemption 2
    • Other honorable mentions would be:

      • Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares
      • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
      • Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
      • XCOM
      • Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
  • Not in any particular order:

    Curse of Monkey Island
    Final Fantasy VII
    Stardew Valley
    Anno 1800
    The Last of Us
    The Last of Us 2
    Dark Souls 3
    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    • I think Curse of Monkey Island is the only Monkey Island game that I haven't beaten. At the time, I really couldn't get over the art style. Might have to give it another shot.

      • Aw, I really like the art style personally. I do love all the Monkey Islands (though haven't gotten around to the newest one!), but Curse has such a special place in my heart. I say Papapishu in my every day life.

  • Chrono Trigger



    Nier: Automata

    Vagrant Story

    Super Mario World


    Elden Ring

    Horizon: Zero Dawn

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Kind of in order, kinda not. They all deserve 1st place, really, and I'm sure there are many others that could be up there with them that didn't spring to mind as fast.

  • In no order

    Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
    Slay the Spire
    Monster Hunter: World (+ Iceborne)
    Portal 2
    Persona 4: Golden
    Advance Wars 2
    TES 4: Oblivion

    • Final Fantasy VII (might be replaced with Rebirth if I end up replaying it a bunch in the future like I do with the OG)
    • Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
    • Theme Hospital
    • Mirrors Edge
    • Celeste
    • Halo 3
    • Need for Speed Most Wanted
    • Tony Hawk Underground
    • Persona 3 Reload (before this it would've been 4 that would've been my favourite of the franchise)
    • The Sims 3

    I tried to think of games that I keep coming back to, or in the case of Persona and Celeste, ones that stick in my head even years after beating them.

    Edit: don't know how this slipped my mind but a kingdom Hearts game should definitely be here. It's my favourite game series, I think I forgot to put it down because I was trying to think of which one I would put down as the best of the series.

  • -The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

    -Chrono Cross

    -Dark Souls 3

    -Twisted Metal Black

    -Final Fantasy IX

    -Perfect Dark

    -Banjo Kazooie

    -Super Mario 64

    -Killer Instinct


  • In no particular order:

    Tunic, Outer Wilds, Undertale, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Ori And The Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps, Citizen Sleeper, The Talos Principle

    If you force me to choose a top 3 of those:

    • Tunic
    • Outer Wilds
    • Celeste
    • earthbound
    • final fantasy 6
    • chrono trigger
    • super mario world
    • mario 64
    • halo 2
    • grand theft auto 3
    • half life 2
    • bioshock
    • tears of the kingdom
    • I remember playing Mario 64 at my grandparent's house when it first came out. My grandpa, who was born in the 1920s, was absolutely stunned. He said, "this is a video game?!" and then just sat and watched me play.

      • Haha that’s awesome. I remember playing a racing game on the Sega Saturn as a kid and thinking it was so insanely realistic and there was no way that graphics could get any better.

  • In my playtime order. (I know OP asked best game of all time. But, this list is according to games which I think is best.)

    1. Minecraft
    2. Geometry Dash
    3. Brutal Doom
    4. Brotato
    5. Ultrakill
    6. Balatro
    7. Zortch
    8. Rythia or Sound Space Plus
    9. Stardew Valley
    10. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

    Honourable Mention

    • Tetris
    • Quake I & II
    • Binding of Isaac
    • Dusk
    • Slice and Dice
    • How fucking wierd is that I didn't added Katana ZERO? Was I high?

  • A lot of my gaming experience has been on Nintendo consoles, and a lot of this list is going to be viewed through nostalgia goggles with a lot of my first ranking higher than games that might have done the same thing better.

    Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt- this is where it all began for me, and I still wish light gun games had become more of a thing

    Tetris- timeless classic, everyone knows and loves it, no further explanation needed.

    Pokemon red/blue/yellow- my first forray into RPGs

    Kotor- first forray into RPGs that actually involved playing a role, the fact that you could be a bad guy was revolutionary to me. I also think this may have been one of the first games that I played completely through, I've always had a bad habit of never finishing a lot of games even if I really loved them. Also one of my first PC games and the first time I needed to install a graphics card in the family PC to play a game.

    TES: Oblivion - look, you could pretty much insert any of the elder scrolls or 1st person fallout games into this spot, and quite a few others that arguably do it better, but this was my first real taste of an open world where you could go do (moru-or-less) whatever you wanted, everything felt so alive, and the imperial city still kind of feels to me like one of the most alive and actually functional cities in a video game and not just a level that's dressed up to look like a city.

    Portal 2: I don't think there are many games out there that are just this much fun, and everything the first portal did great (which was pretty much everything,) 2 expanded on and made even better.

    Octodad: Dadliest Catch- I'm a sucker for short games with a good gimmick and intentionally weird controls.

    Saints Row 3- it was stupid, it was fun, I could honestly entertain myself for hours just running around the city, stealing cars, and beating luchadores with a giant dildo for hours and have a blast the entire time.

    Super Mario 64- my first experience with 3d gaming, and I'd argue still one of the best 3d platformers out there (wonky cameras and such from that era aside) I like simple, lightheaded games.

    Ocarina of time- enough has been said about this game elsewhere on the Internet that I don't feel like I need to say any more.

    • Disco Elysium
    • Jade Empire
    • Eternal Darkness
    • Knights of the Old Republic
    • Starcraft 2
    • Quake
    • Chrono Trigger
    • Portal
    • Resident Evil 4
    • The Last of Us
  • Obligatory "No particular order and this was really fucking difficult to distill into just 10 games":

    • The Witcher 3
    • BioShock
    • Minecraft
    • Baldur's Gate 3
    • Monster Hunter: World
    • Dying Light
    • Transistor
    • Borderlands 2
    • Elden Ring
    • ARK: Survival Evolved
    • Neverwinter Nights
    • Kingdom of Amalur
    • Warcraft III: Frozen Throne
    • Battle for Middle Earth
    • Deux Ex
    • KOTOR I
    • Morrowind - Oblivion
    • Red Alert 2
    • XCOM2
    • WH: Total War II