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  • Legit, we've got about an acre in the back yard, and I was working toward this for most of it. Can't do the work required now, so it's gotten less native than it used to be, but at one point, it was all plants native to my region, and they are still dominant. The rest of the yard is better set up for my crippled ass to handle, so I can pull out invasive species as needed. There's a section maybe twenty feet in a rough circle plus a corner where it's "grass", but it's mostly random clover with dandelions I can't be bothered to remove every year. The chickens have been keeping anything else from setting in compared to yard B.C. (before chickens).

    It'll eventually get taken over by random plants, I'm sure. It'll be as I age out and cripple out of the work involved, since getting my kid to do a damn thing ain't happening lol. But for now, me and the chickens have a nice area to walk around and putter.

  • one of the unsung casualties of the prevalence of rental housing in America.

  • When you realize that most of what you're looking at around you is invasive species: 눈_눈

    • The vast majority of invasives take a foothold in already disturbed land. Natural ecosystems tend to be more resistant.