A Family of Heroic Homebrew Rules by u/AvtrSpirit
A Family of Heroic Homebrew Rules by u/AvtrSpirit
u/AvtrSpirit over on Reddit has released some interesting homebrew rules for defeat, Hero Points, and martial attrition using the Wounded condition. I thought they were worth spreading around some.
The comments on Hero Points in particular made me realize that many tables are much more stingy with HPs than I would have expected. Players love Hero Points. Are y'all not just handing them out like candy?
Heroic Defeat:
Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cbjw8c/heroic_defeat_variant_v2_fewer_rules_all_feedback/
Anti-frustration mechanics + MCDM's victories and recoveries:
Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cn50gc/heroic_variant_part_2_antifrustration_mechanics/