The BBC on climate change
The BBC on climate change
The BBC on climate change
British people will use anything but the metric system
British people will use anything including the metric system, badly
"The size of 3 freshly sharpened pikes (9.15m)"
I looked up what a stone was and why don't they use kg like everyone else for body weight?
Better than drifting towards Morrowind
im going to turn off red mountain with a london sized ice cube. not you or the sixth house may stop me
Oblivion, you say?
This must be article and they changed the text so it wasn't so silly...
A23a: Tracking the world's biggest iceberg as it drifts towards oblivion
I still love it. It’s phrased like the iceberg is having some really deep thoughts about existence
your move, mehrunes dagon. old blighty aint playing
I wonder if that's why it's been so cool out still even though it's April. Like the futurama bit of dropping a giant ice cube in the ocean
How large is it compared to the White-Gold Tower?
It probably has a better chance of surviving in Skyrim.
I hope it doesn't have much fallout.
(how many times will this joke appear in this thread?)