Poverty. It’s honestly something I don’t wish upon my worst enemy and the fact I’ve seen so much shit due to it, it’s something I can never get back and now will have to endlessly live with the pain until the day I literally die.
Social media
Uncontrolled and unbridled capitalism (though don't throw out the baby with the bathwater)
70% of the cars
Republican party
Russian government
Israeli government
I can go on for a while....
There's a song where the singer lists a long long list of things that are wrong with the world, then says simply that if it was up to her, she'd take away the guns.
I also think the world would be a much better place if there were no sexually transmitted disease. Sex should just be fun and healthy, there's no need for that additional layer of risk.
Also limited liability corporate business structure ought never to have been made legal.
Are we talking about the actual ball of rock? The collective ecology of organisms living on it? Or specifically the human race's existence on the rock and within the ecology?