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  • a little sad, a little sick, and utterly banal. if i could get just one thing shy of revolution god can it be for conservatives to drop this notion of trying to play subversive when they're acting/promoting the most prototypical, ancient fucking concepts. wow you have a notion of womanhood of a victorian countess, how rebellious

    • this faux-revolutionary aesthetic in their rhetoric is actually a tactic to coopt the people who noticed we need big sweeping change but havent figured out the whys yet.

      all so they can keep the world unchanged, but somehow different. i don't think they are dropping it, its pretty effective.

      • This seems to be a thing that's getting pushed at the moment, I don't quite get it but I've seen a couple of articles on young women marrying out of the workforce. Trying to drive birth rates among a certain class maybe, musk style eugenicists

  • Best comment:

    This is a deeply silly essay. But I gotta comment on this statement. "I dream of new structures, a world in which women have entry-level jobs in their 30s; alternate avenues for promotion; corporate ladders with balconies on which they can stand still, have a smoke, take a break, make a baby, enjoy themselves, before they keep climbing."

    Hahahaha. While you are dreaming of it in your leisurely marriage to wealthy not-old man, my female colleagues and I are making it happen. (You're welcome.) Tonight we'll meet up for happy hour, drinking wine we learned about on trips we happily planned and paid for ourselves, giggling over those girls we saw hanging around our business school library who imagined that the single men we went to school with were prizes worthy of trading our wonderful, formative, adventurous 20s for. Cheers.

    P.S. Your husbands are trying to have affairs with us.

    • Women in their 30s don't know entry level position. All they know is stand still, have smoke, take break, make baby and lie.

  • "Why does every woman not simply go to Harvard and comb parties for a rich foreign exchange student?"

  • i look forward to the follow up in 10 years: he found someone younger to have a baby with and now i--a fiscally illiterate 35 year old with pride in having cultivated a millionaire's tastes--live with my parents like some shit out of a Jane Austen novel.

    i get the bit about not wanting to "train" some guy her age about how to wipe his ass or pick up his towels, but its hilarious that her solution is to just be the totally-not-resentful caged bird who, and i quote:

    There are only so many times one can say “thank you” — for splendid scenes, fine dinners — before the phrase starts to grate. I live in an apartment whose rent he pays and** that shapes the freedom with which I can ever be angry with him**.

    je. sus. christ.

    anyway, i've never been one to find much sustainable attraction in romance with someone who isn't a peer. i can't imagine the resentment of being near 40 and being treated like a aesthetically pleasing accessory rather than someone with whom i keep counsel about the important things that weigh on me. the psychosocial developmental distance between her and her "crazy" friends who have partners and careers and are all figuring out how to balance their compromises, careers, family, and personal integrity is going to be the grand canyon. she is 100% going to be the one they all roll their eyes about.

  • I mean the vast majority of women around the world date and then marry a man a couple of years older than them for many of the same reasons stated in the article. It's just that most people don't take it to the extreme of a 10 year age gap when you're 20, and getting married at 23, like the author of this terribly written article did. For the vast majority of people, it's usually a 2-3 year age gap with the husband being the older partner, and getting married in the mid 20s or early 30s.

    So what is the point of this article? That taking patriarchal norms to their extremes is somehow good? If that were true, most women and men would be doing that, but evidently they are not. I legitimately do not understand why any woman would argue that exacerbating patriarchal relationship norms is a good thing.

  • i feel so fucking bad for straight women

    if i were in their situation i think i'd consider it a blessing to die alone

  • Ok now someone write “the case for marrying your father” with the same article just replacing father into the sentences instead of older man. Then send it to her.

  • great way to have limited freedom over your future, your person, your reproductive capacity, your travel, etc. etc. etc. for the rest of your sad life