The 29-year-old complete quadriplegic shared that he had lost sensation and suffered paralysis from below the shoulders after sustaining a spinal injury during a diving accident eight years ago
Arbaugh also revealed that the implant had given him the freedom to pull an all-nighter playing the strategy game Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 - something that he could not have done on his own before the surgery.
I'm glad they're having success, but this is not a use case for neuralink. It's a use case for brain-computer interfaces in general. Research in BCIs is ongoing and a very relevant topic of research, but usually research institutes can't indiscriminately kill monkeys for this. I am very excited about this tech (my PhD is tangentially related to it) but wish it was being developed by literally any research institute not owned by Musk
I’m happy for this guy that it seems to be helping him. But I cannot stress how much I DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY at all. I would be 0% surprised if we find out five years from now they killed 10 other patients and this is the only story they chose to share. I don’t believe they have any integrity and the little bit that has leaked out about their “research” practices has been horrific.
This is being reported like it is scientific communication about the research. But this is the spin machine of a for-profit company. 
I'm glad Neuralink has developed such essential technology. I can't think of a better use of a brain implant than not sleeping and playing Civilization.
I’d use the neuralink to stay up all night figuring out how to prove Tuvok wrong and make casual condescending remarks to him about my intellectually superior understanding of things.