Data is a bad man
Data is a bad man
Data is a bad man
He's also been regularly compromised by sketchy backdoors placed by the manufacturer in his firmware and remote code execution exploits.
But to be fair, anybody on the bridge who knows how to work the consoles could kill everyone aboard if they wanted.
Just stating a fact. The cold true fact.
Spock: A threat?
Data: An observation.
Someone who is capable of doing great harm but chooses instead to render aid and act in benevolence is the very living definition of a good person.
Did ST ever address any AI alignment mechanism to stop Data if they went rogue?
I mean like in the weeds addressing the issue, like a watchdog check or mixture of experts redundancy override.
Most of the humans and other aliens there could also kill everyone there, if they wanted to - e.g. Capt. Picard, or Geordi La Forge, or Beverly Crusher. Data is a bit of an exception in that without anyone else around, he could still fly the ship on his lonesome. He could also just float around in the cold empty wastes of space for a few hundred years first, to avoid being caught by any authorities.
What stopped him wasn't some "override" - or if one existed, he demonstrated multiple times how he could also override the override - but the simple and plain fact that he did not want to. They knew him, they trusted him, they understood his motivations. And, e.g. if he ever did kill everyone, his career in Starfleet would most definitely be over. Plus, they were his friends. That is a powerful blocker:-).
Data went rogue in Brothers, and hijacked the whole ship to go get an upgrade that Lore stole. Near as I can tell, they took no precautions to prevent it happening again, since Soong was surely actually dead this time
What do you mean alignment mechanism?
Data went rogue at least twice. When Soong activated the return home chip, and the start of Insurrection. Don't recall the specifics on the Data Lore one with the Borg.
I'm writing with a similar type of AI, saw the meme, and thought to ask the ST nerds. I was a bit young for NG on a deeper level and I'm not a big show watcher. I wouldn't have had a clue about the alignment problem until the last couple of years anyway.
I have read most of Asimov's robot stuff and a bunch of theory summary type info on the issues of AI. Humans are a basket case of contradictions under the surface and just outside of most people's awareness. This is one of the largest issues that causes problems with LLM's and it only gets worse the more integrated AI gets within the analogue world.
I think there must be an external AI that only has the job of spotting the alignment problem acting like an silent observer in a mixture of experts.
The ship is likely AI in ST, although I never put it in that context in my head while watching and I'm not sure how it was presented on the show. This is the likely management entity that could have been used with Data. The question in my mind that needs further exploring is how to make the connection and control in a way that the controlling entity is not just a bigger alignment problem with minions.
I know he has an off switch. But as we all know, he's incredibly strong and fast.
I could put strychnine in the guacamole...
There was salt on the glass. Big grains of salt.
Sounds like a good man, to me.
He probably thinks this thought and rejects the proposition over a million times per second
Na, he probably use a good 40% of his processing power to try to understand his hellish lovely cat. 🐱💕
Which one? Spot is played by a different cat every episode
So you do agree that he is a man, I rest my case.
Not again Lore.