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Downvotes = “I disagree” or “this is bad and you should feel bad”?

I think I’ve settled on the latter. Disagreement is maybe best communicated by the absence of an upvote? And downvotes work best when they signal something that is just off base, and while not reportable, is not appreciated at a broad cultural level.

  • Downvote = other people probably should ignore this post. It isn't likely to do any good for them. Upvote = hey, everybody! Look at this!

  • On Reddit I only ever down voted things that were actually bad advice. Things people shouldn't do.

  • Don't feel bad. I down vote things I don't want to see. Others much want to see that but I am putting my 2cents in.

    This isn't reddit getting downvoted won't mean you can only post every 10mins. You can post as much as you want

  • 100% you should feel bad. I hope everyone i downvote cries themselves to sleep

    • Sooo ... if this is sarcasm I'm not sure I quite get it? People shouldn't be so sensitive about downvotes and the like?

      • Does the thought of the person, that you plan to downvote, crying themselves to sleep make you happy? Then you should downvote them. I think that's what they wanted to say.

      • I want everyone i downvote to die and burn in hell

  • Depends on what kind of post it is.

    General discussion threads, sure - 'up' = 'good content', 'down' = 'irrelevant'. Irrelevant could be because it's not to do with the matter at hand, it could be hateful, trollish, whatever.

    Post asking for a specific fact, like in ye olde askahistorian? Up = correct, down = incorrect. Doesn't matter how well written or how good the intent is, downvoting for disinformation.

    One of the things that Slashdot got right was being able to upvote / downvote with a reason. (Perhaps only being able to upvote / downvote occasionally too, which stops brigading.) Made it possible to filter on why things were good, save ruining your fake internet points when you were mistaken about something as opposed to being an arsehole.

  • I think wrong information and rudeness should get downvoted, nothing more.

  • The only times I've really been downvoting is if someone is giving out completely incorrect information, like in a support thread or something, and confusing matters. It's not a personal judgement or anything, just trying to keep things clear for the person asking the question.

    If I disagree with a comment, well no biggie. Sometimes it's worth discussing like adults and sometimes it's just a subjective opinion. If it's offensive, I'll report it and block the user.

  • Depends on what kind of "I don't agree". If somebody asks for people's favorite food, I'm not going to dislike all other answers... But if it's a more serious question, and an answer just has a really bad take that I don't agree with, that's getting a dislike.

  • On Reddit, up/down was intended to be used as relevant or not relevant. Then Facebook came around with the Like button and changed the standard.

    Coming from the perspective of Digg, Reddit was about sharing external content and giving something an upvote was used to promote that content while a downvote was used to discourage that content from being seen. It was democratic in that the users were relied on for ranking posts without the need for moderators having to establish rules and remove things.

    Then Reddit employed an algorithm and most people visit Popular and All making it a shitstorm of irrelevance. People upvote stuff they like that has absolutely no reason to be posted in a sub. Never mind everything that's gone on with Reddit in recent months, it's users' inability to properly use the upvote / downvote buttons that has caused the site to become absolute trash.

    Here, we have the added tool of the Star to indicate that we like something while at the same time downvoting it because it's not relevant to the sub. The problem is that the vast majority of people don't want to think about or put any effort into anything. At this point, anything that looks like a thumbs up is getting selected because they like it.

    If you disagree with someone, you shouldn't do anything unless you have something to say. Engage with them in conversation and express your point of view - this is "social media". If others feel your point is relevant you should get an upvote; if you're off topic you should get a downvote.

    Reading over the other comments here, I think most people are expressing a similar perspective. It's about rankings, not feelings.

  • I've always been partial to "irrelevant to the discussion".

    For example: if a post is detailing increased temperatures compared to a previous year: ✅ Comment saying "This is most likely an effect of global warming" ✅ Comment saying "This paper is potentially biased as the paper/publication is sponsored" ✅ Replies to these comments discussing the legitimacy of their claims (for or against them) ⛔ Comment which is promoting their own content (even if related) with no discussion of the linked post ⛔ Intentionally incendiary comments. "Liberals will say it's climate change I bet." ⛔ Completely off topic. "Ok but guys let's talk about SCARING THE HOES for a second here. Straight flames."

    Too many people use a downvote as "I disagree" when a comment may actually provide a different viewpoint and - as long as it's respectful and open to counterpoints itself - can be a nice addition to the discussion.

  • I think of it like a digital facial expression. Upvoting is akin to smiling or conveying some other positive emotion like affirmation or understanding (even if the subject matter is inherently negative). Downvote is the opposite- someone says something irl that makes you frown or grimmace, or you know they're telling you a lie, your expression can convey that without a single word. Here, downvote.

    There's no real etiquette - if you feel like you want to give an up or down vote, just do it and don't put too much thought into it.

  • Taste my righteous wrath and because I can do it with one click without explaining why means I don't need to and the internet is on my side. Feels like the implicit meaning when I'm downvoted.