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What are things you like to cook that are better the second day?

I find most foods are best as soon as they are made, but some things seem to get better when the flavors have more time to meld. The only two I can think of right now are chili and hummus. What other dishes am I forgetting, or haven't tried that you think get better with a little time?

  • Honestly, almost everything. I like most food better as left overs. Especially if it's hot/spicy. It tends to get spicier overnight. Also marinara based foods do really well, like lasagna, manicotti, spaghetti, et cetera.

    My favorite has to be our way of doing taco meat. A bunch of diced tomatoes (normally canned, sometimes fresh), and diced chili peppers, like jalapeños, poblanos, hatch chilis, habaneros, et cetera, spices and ground beef. Lightly fry the corn tortillas and eat. But I always make enough to have the next day, because after it's sat overnight, it's so much better.

  • Chili is much better the next day. There's even a chili restaurant in Virginia that makes their chili the day before, refrigerates it, then heats it back up specifically because of this (the name of the restaurant escapes me at the moment, but I used to love going there).

  • We occasionally make a beef barbacoa taco recipe that seems to get better after sitting in the fridge overnight.