Had a great time at the Young Libertarians meetup!
Had a great time at the Young Libertarians meetup!
Had a great time at the Young Libertarians meetup!
you know it smell crazy in there
Showering violates the NAP
We all know libertarians don't actually care about consent, though.
New theory: every single person who attends a right-libertarian event is actually a pit stank fetishist who wants to be discrete about their whole thing, and, knowing that right-libertarians are supposed to be the monarchs of malodorousness, has decided to completely fabricate an interest in those politics in order to get their fix. Nobody at these events knows that everybody else is there for the exact same reason that they are, and so they're all just sort of keeping up the act.
One thinks, "Uhh... Libertarians like... SJW cringe compilations, don't they?", and so he promptly proposes, "Uhhh, hey, guys, don't we want to laugh at some, uhh, SJWs? To own the libs and stuff like that or whatever?"
The rest collectively think, "I'm supposed to like that stuff, right? Besides, watching this means that I don't have to actually say anything meaningful about all this nonsense that doesn't even make any sense.", and so everybody enthusiastically nods, and thus it begins.
And so they all spend several hours just watching SJW cringe compilations. The one sometimes notices that everybody including himself has the face of someone being socially obligated to eat rock soup while complimenting the chef, and asks, "Do you guys want to continue or should we... do something else for a while?", and nobody has any other ideas that wouldn't out them, and so they all just sorta go, "Uhm, it's, uh, it's up to you." -- "I'm fine with continuing, personally." -- and so they continue.
Sometimes they start getting suspicious of each other, but none of them know what a real libertarian is supposed to act like anyways, and their social skills are just developed enough to know that they can't just out and ask such an embarrassing personal question, and so they just keep up the act literally from day to dawn.
But hey, the pit stank was to die for, so all in all it could've gone a lot worse.
Axe, cheap cologne, and BO
also, energy drink stank breath
100% of them are 20-something year old white dudes, amazing.
edit: actually dude in the middle-ish behind red tie might be late 30s. Still though.
Also love how most of these guys are dressed up business or business casual, then you have Mr. Fedora in a t-shirt and unwashed jeans.
Can't tell if he's the only one treating it with the decorum it deserves, or if he genuinely thinks the fedora makes his outfit formal.
You know the answer to that
guessing like half are early 30s tbh
Yeah I probably should have worded it "young white dudes," oh well
Mr fedora in a t shirt seems the most normal one.
As far as cringe compilations go, it's kinda hard to beat that picture.
[whispering] "hey so I thought this was the young libertarians meetup, heh, when do the young people arrive?" *Wink, tips fedora
It runs the entire libertarian spectrum from failson to anime pedophile to future domestic terrorist.
That's not a spectrum that's a Venn diagram
That's not a Venn diagram that's a circle
Don't forget the bowtie nerd
Bowties on white guys fuck me up, because like 90% of the time it's a weird conservative, and then like the other 10% it's a whimsical candy maker.
I don't want to miss out on candy, but I just can't trust anymore.
Who would win in a fight, them or these guys
Losing my shit over fail hitler in that picture with the black sun t-shirt and medical boot
he needs one on the other side to match
Great Value Hitler.
Red Pilled Neo Hitler for you.
That's because he broke it off in someone's ass.
Well they have weapons so that violates the NAP
are you telling me not one of these lolbertarian dorks has a chrome plated PPK in a shoulder rig???
Is that the young fascists meetup?
No itโs some fashion meet up from 4chan and others on there have edited the clothes lol
This pic is blowing my fucking mind jesus christ.
AI could never come up with something as incredible
Those guys, 100%
We spent the whole time watching SJW cringe compilations on youtube.
These people are stuck in 2016, half of them probably had every clip they watched memorized.
Don't call out my local DSA chapter like this
Dammit you beat me to the bit
Mom says we can rent two movies tonight but they can't have swears or boobies in them.
This picture is like a training set of data for the AI that allows me to identify libertarians. I feel like I could detect one at 50 paces now.
That fedora dude omg he really wants to be the stereotype.
The entrance has a sign with an age requirement, and it lists an age for all 50 states for some odd reason.
Looks like a frat house that couldn't throw a fun party if they tried.
When you're in a looking like you were photoshopped into pictures, but in real life all the time competition and your opponent is those guys:
Oh god it's Normal Al Yankovic
You know what? I believe that every single one of these guys is a Libertarian.
Very suspicious, I've definitely seen a few of these guys at my DSA meetings
Which way, white man?
Different ones, it's just that all crackers look the same.
I wonder who told each one they should go to a social gathering to do with their interests to meet women. Every last one
Poor guys, someone should give them some beauty and self-care tips so that they can get a wife to leave them.
I wasn't sure how anyone could willfully volunteer to be in this photo without dying of cringe and then I remembered they're libertarians
I KNOW that room smell crazy
Lmao isn't that something people did from 2014? They're still doing that?
i can count the melanin molecules in this picture on one hand
lmao imagine bein one of the two guys to show up in jeans and a t shirt
Trying to decide how many reddit comms guy with the "Live the legend" shirt mods.
Wtf is Kenny G doing in a libertarian meetup?
The bowtie that looks like steam punk goggles is an incredible thing.
guy on the left looks like tom bates from the yogscast lol
Maidenless WASPs...
I will not body shame :)
From left to right (front row): Hunter, Kevin, Preston, Travis, Hunter, Spencer, Tucker, Hunter.
@ComradeOohAah@hexbear.net, found your target demographic.
Xi, give me strength!
Young? For libertarians, they are ancient.
It's libertarians, not victims of libertarians.
Most libertarians in Poland for example are around 13, which would explain the fossil ones like above too.
The guy with the necktie looks like if you try to draw the guy from TPU from memory
Oh come the fuck on.
lol wtf i can't even with this me and the boys doing freedom of contract
You could put the Chapo guys in this picture and they would fit right in visually
Virgil could share tips
Sometimes (often) I think I'm a weird dumbass, but then I see shit like this. Damn is that good for the ego.
This is what happens when people make Jordan Belfort their role model
I get they look a bit silly, but making fun of people's appearances isn't that cool :( Dunk on them for their shit opinions, not for their dress sense.
"Oh look, there's women in that photo."
expands image
"Oh... never mind."
I looked into this because the account it came from is an obvious shitposter. And I've seen pics of awkward people get shared and then eventually attributed to stuff they don't necessarily believe in, before. Board game meets, college debate clubs, mathletes, etc.
Well the caption doesn't appear to be accurate but they're actually all libertarians lol.
Should have known from the bowties