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PSA you can use Scaled and Controversial sort types in Sync for Lemmy even if it hasn't been integrated in the app if you set them as your default sort type in the web page settings.

Hi, as soon as I noticed this was a thing I headed to this community to let anyone else know that you can use the newest sort types in the Sync for Lemmy app with that nice workaround... But I just found a lot of "Sink and Sync threads" here that I actually thought the sort bugged my app/feed lol, what a good timing.

Anyway I hope this is useful for you guys until the new update arrives... Soon ^TM

Picture of reference:

  • Great tip, I've been using this since Scaled sort was announced but it's awesome to give this more visibility since it's not intuitive that it would work.

  • And to add to this I'll be pushing an update with support for this soon. Cheers.

    • Thanks for letting me know, I just quickly updated the app and I thought that was it 😅

      Good to know you are getting rid of the more important bugs first 👍🏻