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Reddit's S-1 Filing /Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm
Hacker News bot
Reddit S1
  • Selected highlights:

    • Reddit publishes active user numbers:

    We had an average of 73.1 million DAUq and 267.5 million WAUq in the three months ended December 31, 2023. We believe that there is a significant opportunity to convert many of the users who come to Reddit on a weekly or monthly basis to become daily user

    • There’s talk about improving search:

    ◦Modernizing Search. While we are still in the early innings, search is already a key action taken on Reddit with an average of over 35 million daily search queries directly on Reddit in December 2023. We recognize the importance of search, and have made significant investments to make searches more relevant and drive deeper engagement. We have observed 30% higher week-one retention (which measures the percentage of users who return to Reddit eight to 14 days after first accessing Reddit) in users with any search activity compared to all users from October 2023 to December 2023.

    • Reddit plans to make money from ads, selling data for AI training, and avatars

    • Reddit’s risks include user contribution quality

    If Redditors do not continue to contribute content or their contributions are not valuable or appealing to other Redditors, we may experience a decline in the number of Redditors accessing our products and services and in user engagement, which could result in the loss of advertisers and may harm our reputation, business, results of operations, financial condition, and prospects

    • Lost $90m last year and lost $158m in 2022

    • Spez received $192m in comp (incl stock)

    I dunno folks, as a collective whole (not this community, but Lemmy) we ought to cut the crap, drop the circlejerking, the poo-pooing, and the rampant doomerism because we might get some new visitors as these numbers become more known and we can’t let folks think they’re in for a lame time 😎