What's the dumbest nickname you've ever given one of your pets?
I have a lot of runners up, like Amrito for Amy, or Bradinglesmirch for Briar, but I think the dumbest has to be Scott Von Scott of the Scottsdale Scotts Who Did Scott So Scottily in the Battle of Scotteen Twelve.
So I ask you, what's the stupidest thing you've ever called your furry friends?
Probably calling Kika "cachaceira". It means drunkard, but I do it because she reacts really well to words with /ʃ/ or /ʒ/.
In the same vibe I often call her "chorona" (crybaby), "chata" (annoying), "jaguara" (sly/lazy), jumenta (donkey), "tutoja" (babytalk for "gostosa" - yummy, hot/sexy).
Then there's Siegfrieda. Or [insert any German word]frieda. Including Schweinfrieda (Pigfrieda), Scheißfrieda (Shitfrieda), Njaunjaufrieda (Meowmeowfrieda? I don't even know if "njau" is a legit word).