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  • RimWorld, I have hundreds of hours of playtime, (not including my previous extralegal copy) and now I am obsessed with:

    • human nuggets (not that kind) (not immediately, anyways)
    • organ harvesting
    • human leather cowboy hats (and dusters)
    • greenhouses (for weed* and cocaine)
    • how do I fit the new turrets in my existing killbox

    *not actually true, it's all coke

    • Greenhouses are my weird obsession. Probably not very useful for most colonies, but just look so nice.

  • RuneScape, Ark, ... DOTA2 (especially with that cry for help).

    Some people get lost for thousands of hours in grand-strategy games like Europa Universalis. Or MMOs like Eve Online.

    But feeling like the game consumed you is grinder and MOBA territory.

  • I would guess people who play destiny 2?

    • Was looking for someone to mention D2...

      • To be fair, "it takes one to know one" kind of applies here. I played a whole heap of D2, right from the launch.

        I was one of the dumbasses who paid for the base game, and the two abysmal DLCs to follow, and then for forsaken.

        Forked out only for all of the content to be either made free to play / taken away and 'vaulted' (not that anyone would really miss it).

        Friends would keep telling me to hop back in after every expansion and I genuinely wonder how their rotten formula can still keep such a wide audience invested.

  • Shocked Donkstiny Destiny 2 didn’t get mentioned yet.

    • I loved the in-the-moment gameplay and the narrative arc they had going there for a while. Despite myself I'm still invested in some of the characters... but it's one of those games where I really recognized how all-consuming the engagement treadmill I had been on once I stepped away. It's probably a good thing for me that it's in the shitter at the moment, or I could easily get lured back in.

      Oh, and the r/DtG mods deleted my highly-upvoted Lightfall "lore/prediction" shitpost that was a massive wall of text winding up to an Attack on Titan pun, so fuck 'em.

      • Yeah. I’m so captured by the setting and enough of the characters that I’m seeing the light and dark saga through to the end, but I largely agree with the sentiment towards the game at the moment. I’ll let the studios next release come out and really gauge my interest carefully. Bungie has set my personal style for gamefeel and almost every game I enjoy, I enjoy due to its moment to moment similarity to destiny. Robo Quest, Metal Rising: Hellsinger, Bullets Per Minute, to name a few PvE based games.

        That goes all the way back to playing halo on 2 original Xbox’s wired together in the attic of my friends barn at 3am, and even back to Marathon as a younger kid. On top of that, compared to pretty much every other major FPS title, the studio stands behind a lot of causes I align with. The representation in the game, and seeing myself and people like me present in destiny’s vision of the future un-ironically gives me a warm feeling.

        I was just talking with some friends that an extraction shooter with world events the complexity of destiny raids would actually be super cool. A fireteam activates a raid (like sea of thieves forts) and begins diving into it, but then other teams can follow them in as the original groups clears encounters and puzzles. Maybe the teams following them in have some smaller scale mechanics to do, then there’s a heavy fight back out with whatever loot. Could make for the gameplay loop gambit could have been. I think the studio has potential to do the PvEvP really well, but we shall see.