Is A clockwork orange still worth watching ?
Is A clockwork orange still worth watching ?
Does it feel outdated ? Doesbit have any plot holes ? Is the story , character , character arcs etc. good ?
Is A clockwork orange still worth watching ?
Does it feel outdated ? Doesbit have any plot holes ? Is the story , character , character arcs etc. good ?
You should probably watch the first 15 minutes of it and see if it works for you. I'm not a big Kubrick fan, and I know it wasn't for me, but it's a kind of unique movie for sure.
Completely get what you mean.
I've watched it once and genuinely loved it, but I also have zero desire to ever see it again.
Happy to see there are many of us!
Rather not pirate and delete a movie without knowing if it has good charecters or plot .
This is a culturally significant movie that came out fifty years ago, which you're considering watching even though it came out fifty years ago. I'd say that it probably has good characters and plot.
But for real: yes, I think it's a good movie and worth your time. It's a movie that makes my skin crawl and I feel disgusted in places watching it. Really quite great.
You can download "in sequential order" just the first X minutes at least with some torrent clients.
Not sure what to say about Clockwork Orange... it's not an easy or amusing film to watch. It has some interesting visuals. Part of movie history, so if you're a film buff you should watch it. Not sure if the themes are still relevant today, it's kind of a weird film about the nature of violence.
I'd sit down with the book first. There's an extra chapter at the end which wasn't published in the US at the time the film was made.
The book you want has 21 chapters, not 20.
I don't think the film suffers at all from excluding the final chapter.
So if I could go back I'd rather see the film first, and notice what is additional in the book rather than what was removed from the film. Still I like both so either way will be good.
Burgess's thought's on the exclusion of the 21st chapter are in the foreword, here is the full book + some nice extras(pdf):
Given that the US is usually regarded as more optimistic than the UK, Burgess said something like he was the rare victim of 'American Pessimism' regarding the decision of the American publishers to leave out the final chapter. Unlike the UK version, the US one also had translations for all the Nadsat slang (it's arguable whether it's better to pick it all up from context or not)
The US version that I read lacked chapter 21 for the stupid reason that the US versions lack chapter 21, but it did not have any translations of Nadsat. All of it had to be picked up from context, as was intended. It actually helped me learn Russian about a decade later when I got into intel.
I don't plan on sticking this one on my reading list, but what exactly does chapter 21 cover? Pretty interesting that they left an entire final chapter out of a release.
Spoiler warning
Okay, so Clockwork was Anthony Burgess’ least favorite book. In the same way that Sir Alec Guinness hated his role as Obi-Wan in Star Wars, he felt it was populist schlock unworthy of himself as an artist. I think that we have to lay that aside. Although intuitively we might think the artists know their own work best, it’s not always the case.
Clockwork is about a youth becoming an adult. It’s also about mind control and the culture of violence, but the main theme is about growing up. There are 21 chapters because 21 is considered the age of maturity.
In chapter 21, Alex has been “reset” to his old violent ways in the previous chapter, but is now looking back on his violent youth and realizing he’s outgrown it. He’s thinking of getting a job and having a family. The problem was that the American publisher completely missed the point of the book and thought the last chapter was a cop out and that American readers could handle the ending on the down note of Alex becoming violent again. Burgess wanted the money, so he agreed and the US version was published with only 20 chapters.
Kubrick chose to go with the American version of the book because he’s just that kind of guy, but it’s left tens of millions of people completely misunderstanding the story. This alone makes me sympathetic to Burgess’ opinion of his own book.
Anyway, that’s the story of chapter 21.
The book has the same name i assume ?
Yes, same name and the book and the film largely follow each other, there’s some noticeable differences throughout, but mostly matches up. One of the biggest differences though, and the one that I believe I’d read irked the author, was that Kubrick left out the last chapter/epilogue, which kind of changes the overall message of the book in some ways. I still think the movie is good and worth a watch on its own (definitely not with kids around), but the movie ends a little earlier than the book.
In the UK, there's just been a case of two 15-year kids being convicted of a brutal murder, so it's as relevant as ever (the actors in the film are much older, but the book is about young teenagers and that terrifying phase they go through of depleted empathy)
It's a bit gruesome but I do think it holds up well and warrants a watch.
I have no problem with that .
It’s somehow more apt than ever
homeways is bestways
It came out well before my time, I still love it
it's hard to believe that once upon a time, great minds wrote things that are timeless... whose subject matter transcends idiotic current trends and the whimsies of a vapid, mindless population raised by the internet, but it's true. it's the exact kind of thing that got humanity through the hard times.
It’s disturbing. Still, I’d recommend watching it if you haven’t yet.
Yes, it's worth watching.