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    • You may not find a use for it, and neither do I in my workflow. But think about accessibility - it might enable some users to perform tasks the find physically difficult using just their voice.

      Or, you can go get a beer or a [slice of] pizza, and call out to vscode from across the room to build your app or start a server or something.

    • I don't even get why companies are pushing "AI" tools, what do they think they'll accomplish by doing so?

      • The wild part is, I don't think whoever implemented this thought about who actually uses VSCode lol.

        I work remote right now but I would scream if I had a coworker talking to their IDE all day long.

  • Sticky Scroll in tree views and notebooks

    Fucking. Yes.

    I fuckin' love Sticky Scroll. Makes it way easier to see where the hell I am, both in code and a giant list of files!

    Triggered Breakpoints

    Didn't know this was even a concept, but really good to know (besides the Conditional Breakpoint)