What was the funniest thing your child said lately?
What was the funniest thing your child said lately?
What was the funniest thing your child said lately?
I'm peeing with my son, and I'm taking a while to get started. He pats me on the back and says "Step on the gas big guy"
My son has only just started talking but he's gotten into a 'lovely' habit of walking into a room and going 'DaaaaaAAad', almost as if he's a 15 year old who's about to make a sudden, but unsurprising request to borrow some money.
Damn, sounds hilarious
I was walking home carrying my toddler and he was a little cold. He kept whining, going "Aeehhhhh" on and off. After like ten times, I made the noise back at him.
Without missing a beat he screams "NO DADA JUST ME....... Aeehhhhh"
Stumbled across this post while scrolling all. While I don't have kids, I feel I can still contribute with a recent niece and nephew story.
A few weeks ago, my wife and I had them over for a weekend sleepover before Christmas break was over and they had to go back to school. We were getting ready to play some Mario Party on the switch. Well.. After the niece and nephew, both 10 and 6, got their joycons out I remind them to put on their safety strap. We start calling for auntie so we can start. She heads over and grabs her joycon, but she does not put her safety strap on.
So naturally, the 6yr old blurted out "Auntie get your strap on!"
We start laughing, which in turns make them start laughing. They double down and the 10yr joins in. They start chanting in unison
Auntie get your strap on!
Auntie get your strap on!
Auntie get your strap on!
We both died a little bit that day.
Recents from a toddler:
• Snore Fork = Snow Fort
• Snow Vacuum = Snow Blower
• Snow Cloud = Snow Plow
• Human Fire = Humidifier
Foofy spider (for: Excuse me spider) ~2yrs
It's more what he doesn't say. He's 20 months and has a vocabulary of about 50-100 words or so. He calls me dada all the time but refuses to call my wife mama. He just calls for her by her name (just like I do 😄)