Hey GPT-4 right now we have a five second timeout on this page and we’re only getting a .001% conversion. How can we change this to a 10% conversion?
[bloop de bloop AI math occurring]
Why certainly. Improving the conversion rate of a page is a matter of tweaking the right factors via AB tests to optimize the conversion rate, which is defined as the number of people who convert on a page divided by the number of visitors.
To reach a conversion rate of 10% you could set the timeout for 3600 seconds.
OP probably wrote himself a little nap program in BASIC back in the early 90s, just to wake him up in an hour. But when he ran the program and laid down he didn’t realize his computer was in turbo mode. The clock flew and the tears whirled by and when he woke up an “hour” later the only evidence of the world he’d left behind … was this bizarre one hour timeout in the weird graphical software of the future.
His only chance to return home is to turbo the unturboable: time itself! But in a backwards direction, which is even more impossible!
Or, to give up and live in the future … as a much older version of himself.