He was a hero, we just couldn't see it...
He was a hero, we just couldn't see it...
He was a hero, we just couldn't see it...
Good take on how someone unlikable can still be respectable.
Good journalists always protect their sources. Not that JJJ is a good journalist, per say, but he knows what parts of his business need protected.
Ironically, in the comics, he learns Peter's identity for a time, and begins acting like something of an ally, only to accidentally reveal Peter's identity to the Goblin who had been suffering amnesia and forgotten who Spider-Man was.
Perfectly fine eggcorn
I don't know, he has an irrational hatred for SPIDER-MAN, but he's a cut above most newspapers
It's semi rational, at least in the comics.
Spider-Man saved JJJs son from a space rocket launch, his son is an astronaut, Spider-Man saved him, and the attention was all on Spider-Man instead of JJJs son, and JJJs held that against Spider-Man ever since.
JJJ is a good journalist.
This is a great take on a very subtle moment with an underappreciated character.
I wouldn't call Jameson underappreciated. He's as much an impediment to Peter as his is a benefit.
Sure, he won't hand his golden photographer over to the Goblin, even with a knife at his throat, and that's noble, but he also doesn't pay Peter shit, is partly responsible for the creation of at least two of Spidey's rogues, and actively turns the city against him with an unrelenting campaign of libel and hate.
He's chaotic neutral at best.
Since when was J. Jonah Jameson "underappreciated" (especially in his portrayals by J.K. Simmons)? "Appreciated" in this context doesn't mean "liked," you know; it means "considered important." Love-to-hate villainous characters like Simmons as JJJ, Alan Rickman as the Sherriff of Nottingham or Snape or Hans Gruber, Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched or Kai Winn, etc., are plenty appreciated!
The only way it could've been less subtle is when he winked into the camera
I remember first seeing this and thinking it was a huge redemption for his character. I love that JK Simmons has kept this role for all these years. What a great actor and what a great character.
There's this video I saw on YouTube where someone deep faked Heath Ledger's face onto himself as the joker. Really awesome seeing Heath Ledger playing Joker without the makeup. Kinda freaky too!
I like the one where they put Joker makeup on the Papa John’s CEO.