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Yo, what was your first computer? How old were you, where and how did you get it, what did you do with it, etc.

TL;DR It was an old Wang system, 286 processor(I think, anyway), with no hard drive, a 5.25" floppy drive, and a lovely green monochrome monitor. I didn't have it long enough to reach the point where I could have identified the actual hardware/specs.

Back in 1993, I was 10, and the internet really wasn't a thing yet(yeah, yeah, I know. But for most of us, the internet didn't exist until the mid-late 90's). You'd probably have difficulty even finding someone in the neighborhood who could tell you what a computer was, nevermind having used one. I was out running around the city, as you used to be able to do at 10 years old, when I passed by some local business/office/who knows I was 10. Big pile of trash out front, waiting to be picked up. When you're a kid, and you're poor, you go picking. Trash picking, I mean. You can get all sorts of cool shit, especially from the wealthier neighborhoods. Maybe it's different nowadays, but back in the day, people would toss out perfectly good toys, bikes, electronics, furniture, and as they became more commom, videogames, computers, etc. A ton of the shit I owned as a kid is stuff I picked straight out of the trash. Even after that, I picked trash for years. Resold a metric FUCKTON of stuff that other(presumably wealthier) people deemed to be garbage.

Back to this business/office/free stuff location, I obviously start eyeing what's in the big pile out front of this place. Among the stuff, I see a big, beige, metal box, a weird looking TV, and something with a big coiled wire hanging off of it. Now, it's not like there weren't computers in movies/TV at that point, and I had just read Jurassic park the same year, so I did recognize, vaguely, what it was. So I start looking at it, poking around, It had a name on it. "Wang". Don't know what that means, but I'm 10; that's hilarious. I decide I'm taking it. Tried to pick it up, and yeah, that shit is heavy. Nevermind the TV thing, and the keyboard. So as you do, I look around for a stary shopping cart, and sure enough, there's never one far away. Grab the cart and start lifting my haul into it, when someone comes out of the business/office/treasure-hoard, and yells "HEY!" Thought I was about to be in trouble, but instead, this guys walks over to me and says "you're gonna need this." Handed me a bundle of wires, and a square envelope, and just went back inside. So I toss that in the cart, and start pushing. And push I did. A shopping cart full of early 90's computer hardware, pushed by a 10 year-old, down the street, on and off of curb, up and down hills, from the other end of the city, is hard work. But eventually, I got home with it. Not to worry though, I only lived on the 3rd floor of a three-story building.

So I get home, and I start unloading my haul, one piece at a time, and start dragging it up the stairs. Thankfully no one was home, so I could bring everything into my room without anyone complaing about what I'm doing. That was also one of the only times I actually had a bedroom, so that worked out. Once I get it in there, I put the big metal box on the floor in the corner of my room, I take my monitor and decide that I'm pretty sure it's supposed to sit on top, so I put that there. The keyboard was next. After I untagled that cursed coiled cable, I obviously checked the back of the monitor, looking for where I need to plug the keyboard in. Figured out that no, it gets plugged into the big metal box. What next? Oh, right, that bundle of wires the guy gave me. It tuned out to be a couple of power cables, and a (what I now would assume) was a VGA cable. So I get to work plugging all of that in, and when it comes to the VGA cable, that's when I realize that oh, everything plugs into the metal box, that seems important. That must be the part that is a "computer." So what the hell is the TV thing? Took a minute, but I eventually remembered my NES, and realized that oh yeah, the box is where everything happens, and the screen is just where you see it. Again, I was 10, and all of this technology was still new to the average person. Give me a break here.

And last up was that square envelope. Would you believe it had a black plastic thing inside? It's really floppy. Weird. What the fuck is this thing? It has a white sticker on it, and some illegible scribbles. Nintendo to the rescue again. This black plastic thing sure does look like it would fit into the slot on the front of the metal box. Oh shit, it did! Now I just have to turn this thing on. How the fuck do you turn this thing on? Spent a while on that one, flipping the obvious big red power switch in the back. Took a while before I figured out there was a second power button on the front. TWO power switches?! What is this nonsense? Whatever. It's on now.

I sat and watched as bright green text started popping up on the screen. Various numbers, and phrases that I'd never heard in my life. Clearly, this stuff could only be understood some secret government agent, or that one kid I read about Jurassic Park, who was obviously like, a genius hacker or something. The slot where I shoved that floppy plastic square sure is noisy. What the hell is it doing, anyway? It loads in just like my Nintendo games, maybe it's a game?! Maybe a game is about to start. It sure was, friends. Maybe the greatest game ever made. We called it... DOS.

Man, did I love that game, DOS. I spent the several hours, typing random shit on the keyboard, as the command prompt did absolutely nothing of interest, since I had no idea what I was doing. But after those couple of hours of typing swears and random nonsense, I finally started to get bored, what with all of the nothing that was happening. And for whatever reason, I thought maybe someone could help me. Or, why not the computer itself? Maybe it will help me. So I typed the work "help", I hit the enter key, and sure enough, something finally happened. Holy shit, it's doing something. It's telling me how to DO stuff.

And so, before this novel goes on even longer, yeah. I found the help menu, and spent many more hours needlessly using very basic commands to create, copy, move, rename, and delete empty files and folders. Truly, I was now an elite haxxor man.

Over the next couple of years, I pulled many systems and parts out of various trash piles, and cobbled together different systems. Many, many different 386 and 486 systems. Until finally, when I was 15, I managed to get my hands on an obscenely slow, but absolute magic at the time, dialup modem, and a pile of "free hours" of AOL.

And they all lived happily ever after... Until social media was invented. The end.

If people like/want to read/discuss such poorly written nonsense, maybe I'll write up some nonsense about other technology-based shenanigans from over the years. And if people would rather make fun of my poor writing skills; fair.

  • Mine was a Leading Edge Model D, an 8088 PC with 512k of RAM. It was the more expensive model that had a little metal switch on the back that could turn on EGA graphics. My family got it 3rd hand when I was 8 or 9. I mostly used it for making greeting cards and banners (on the tractor feed dot matrix printer) and copying basic programs out of Byte magazine.

  • Apple 2e I got from my next door neighbor at a garage sale. I spent every moment on the thing until I saved up enough to build myself a 486. After that I was the computer kid so people would give me their old stuff, had a 286 and a 386 that put together from a box of discarded office computer parts. Spent hours sorting through and testing individual RAM chips but was able get it working, I still remember typing up school papers on it and the horrible racket the daisy wheel printer made as it printed my assignments on green and white office paper.

  • Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I. I first saw one in school, and while the rest of the kids took a turn playing a snake game, I read the instruction card. Hit break, read the program, decided I could do that. Took a summer class (for adults, I was the only kid). Got my own. Programmed a lot. Despite (because of) the limited graphics: 64x16 chars, or 128x48 B&W pixel graphics, there were a lot of games on it, very low barrier to writing your own.

    Couple years later got an Atari 800, which is still my favorite computer of all time, and I make retro games or demos for it.

  • Mine was a Sord M5. A rich family friend bought it for me for Christmas out of nowhere.

    16KB of RAM. Absolutely nobody I knew had one. Still, it was an introduction to computing that would eventually result in a lifetime of love.

  • It was one of those early Gateway computers that were in a lot of households by the end of the 90s. No clue on the specs, as I was only in elementary school and was only interested in playing CD-ROM demos that came with the computer. But it did spark my interest in computers ever since.

  • Ours was a hand-me-down power Mac, I believe a 6100, I don't remember the exact year but would have been no earlier than '95 or '96, making me about 5, maybe a couple years older.

    Didn't have the internet on it at the time but did eventually get it after a couple years.

    At some point we managed to turn on a screen reading function and never figured out how to turn it off, and it was on some sort of singsongy voice setting, there was an error that would come up every time we turned on the computer that is still sealed into my brain from hearing the computer sing it who knows how many times

    The globalfax software has successfully installed, however, since no fax device control panels were loaded faxing has been disabled

    We had a bunch of CDs with demos of various games, I'm pretty sure they were freebies from some magazine we acquired somewhere. In particular I remember having a demo for Bolo, a tank game, a warcraft -like game (maybe actually warcraft, I can't remember) and some sort of point-and click adventure game.

    Other than that, we had mostly educational games, a lot of jumpstart type games, widget workshop, adventures with oslo

    Around 2001 we eventually got a PC, a Compaq Presario, never really went back to Mac after that, but I do remember that old Mac fondly

  • An old 286 (I think) running MS-DOS. It was a pretty tall tower. Had the CD-ROM drive where you put the disc into a cartridge and then shoved the cartridge into the slot. My first foray into the internet was Prodigy.

  • eMac, age 7. i concerned myself primarily with clarisworks, making nested folders, and age of empires 2. my siblings and i argued about strategy in age of empires 2 a lot. i think i am the worst rts player of all time.

    i was very good at deimos rising and otto matic and was the only one of us who could beat them

  • The first PC I used was a 400mhz Celeron running windows 95. Can't remember how much RAM, but at some point I upgraded the hard drive and I loved swapping out the GPUs on it for shits and giggles (my dad had multiple GPUs for some reason, two pci, one agp, and I wasn't even 10 yet and couldn't really tell the difference they made in my games, it just made me feel smart which was all that mattered). Mostly played Need for Speed 2 and 3, Age of Empires 2, SimCity 3000, Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon and some magic school bus edutainment stuff. By the time I got rid of it, it was running windows 2000.

    SimCity 4 made me upgrade to a 3200+ AMD Athlon (socket 939, with an ASRock motherboard that supported dual channel memory, wow). Originally it had a 128mb Nvidia MX 4000, but by the end of its life it had 4gb of ram and an Nvidia 9600 GSO. It could play Crysis at 1280x1024@10-15fps with everything on low. At the time I considered that playable. Since I'd already been forced into sharing it with my sister, she took it after I upgraded again and eventually it got sent to Goodwill.

    Now I have an old XP machine that belonged to my grandparents (2200 sempron w/ 2gb ram and the old Nvidia MX4000 I had put in it so I could play games at their house) and wish I hadn't let my sister get rid of my Athlon PC because I've been thinking about upgrading that PC to an Athlon.

  • Commodore 64, carried it all the way through college until I could afford an Amiga 500.

  • My first computer was an old Sinclair ZX81. It was my friends dad's old computer, I got to borrow it over school summer break as they headed to India during the summer. Spent most of that summer learning the basics of BASIC, but you couldn't really do terribly much with it.

    I think this was 1982.

    Got my own ZX Spectrum 48 couple of years later. Glorious times gaming and programming.

  • commodore 64 with tape drive. later i got 5.25 floppy drive for it, which was the size of C64 itself.

    then amiga, which i sold later to get money for my first intel/dos based pc (486dx2), but i regret selling that amiga to this day.

  • I am 40 years old. I inherited an IBM PS2 Model 70 with a 386 processor from my cousins. I used it to play games like Skyfox, Indiana Jones, and Prince of Persia, create birthday invitations, and write documents in WordPerfect 5.

    I still have some commands memorized to uncompress stuff with ARJ.

    • When I was in high school, I used to hang out in the computer labs at the university. I'd hunt through the university networks and download games people had on their networked hard drive because I was such a l33t h4xx0r. I made a whole bunch of college-age friends one day when I gave them all copies of Prince of Persia and I felt like I was super cool. (I was never super cool.)

  • I'm 41 years old.

    My first experience with a computer was when I was 5 years old, playing Squirm on my granddad's C16 (from tape drive no less!). I got my first own computer - well, own-ish, it was our family's - at 8 when we got a C64, at that time massively futuristic because we had a disk drive!

  • First computer, I got was via a trade. I was about 12. At the time I knew next to nothing about computers, with desktops being a thing at school (in one room). Something like this in a home… that’s rich people stuff. It ran Windows XP, and was almost certainly a Pentium (don’t know which).

    I remember making several trips to transfer the monitor, desktop, and accessories home. That thing was HEAVY, for me back then. It must have been about 3 miles before I carried everything home. I connected everything, booted it up, and everything worked perfectly… Then five minutes later I found out the importance of the internet… optical games worked fine, but no porn… My next purchase would be a USB 2 mobile internet dongle. How else was I going to do all that valuable “research”.

    About two years or so later, it wouldn’t turn on (the PC). There wasn’t any shops near me that could fix it, and I thought what would be the harm in opening the side panel, and taking a look. Suffice to say… I made things worse. Can’t recall what I did, but the power supply went bang, thankfully no fire. I ended up throwing the computer out, and selling the accessories and monitor. I didn’t want to own a desktop computer, again for years. That loud bang scared the living hell out of me.

    I only later got back into computing, because I was kinda addicted to video games, heard PC gaming was better, and slowly aquired several games from relatives (Crysis, Total War Empire, etc). That computer I purchased, new, with cash I earned from trading with folks/shops (still haggle, to this day). My next computer was AMD, a A6-3600, I think. No graphics card, though I would later haggle for a GTX 960. This computer was where I started to get really interested in IT. I wanted to learn why my old computer bit the dust, and figure out everything I could. It was more than a porn and gaming machine. That computer taught me more than most IT lessons ever did (still can’t believe using Google Search, constituted as a “lesson”).

  • The Fat Mac (512k) my dad bought to run inventory for his store. I was probably 2 or 3 playing games like Count-on-Mac and version of the memory game called, I think, Concentration. I’d also mess around in Mac Paint and later got into Pinball Construction Set.