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  • Just break up already. Creating a tiny extra human is not going to magically fix all of your issues.

    ... of course that would create a paradox in which I was never born, hence not able to give her that advice ... but seriously, the only reason I exist is because my mother didn't want my dad to leave her, which is simply a shitty reason to become pregnant.

  • Don’t wait for me to graduate high school to get divorced. Just do it.

  • Validate your child's feelings. Let them know that you understand that they are scared and that it is ok to be scared.

  • How about instead of cheating on my mom, teach me how to talk to girls.... and don't cheat on my mom lol

    • Yep, know the pain... dad didn't cheat on mom, but he still didn't teach me anything... about anything really... and now, I'm paying for it in a shitty marriage.

      Well, at least I know I won't make the same mistake with my son.

  • Jumping on the "get a fucking divorce" train and adding "stop buying prepackaged overprocessed food, feed me some damn vegetables, and stop giving me so much goddamn sugar"

  • I know you have my life mapped out, because as someone who desperately wants kids, it's impossible not to do that. But don't assume a kid is going to follow that plan. Some kids are gay. You both handled that news really, really well, but for real, why did you have to assume I was straight to begin with? I wish I could have told you when I was 14, but I had to deal with not being the thing you thought I was. As a result, I'm 32 and still don't have kids, because I got a really late start on the whole dating someone thing, and I've still never brought anyone home. It's not your fault, but next go round, try not to box your kids the way you were boxed in.

    Also, Mama. Leave his ass. Do not marry him. It doesn't matter how upset Grandmama will be, she'll get over it. Just tell her you love her, and go raise that baby alone.

  • Be kind, be patient, and understand that getting violent and aggressive your child isn't discipline or parenting, it's just abuse.

  • No form of abuse, dealt with it enough from bullies at school.

    Encourage me to participate in a sport, or art, science projects or ANYTHING that will prevent me from becoming a depressed pos.

    Go to therapy for your trauma instead of passing it on to me.