What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly?
What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly?
What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly?
Jadzia, because she's awesome.
Am I a weirdo for liking Ezri?
No, Ezri is cool too.
I like Ezri. It was somewhat crazy to me that they never originally intended on killing her off to begin with.
Like, they created a race that can (sort of) Doctor Who style turn into a brand new person, and their plan was to never utilise that beyond one season 1 episode where someone steals the Dax symbiote?
That's crazy to me. Don't get me wrong, they did utilise the "I have multiple lifetimes of experience" aspect, but never intending to give her a new character was a little odd.
I really liked Ezri. It's just really unfortunate what happened to Terry Farrell that made it happen.
One of them should have been Wesley.
Wesley is like half a Q. He can save himself.
Shut up, Wesley.
I’d feel bad about choosing between any of who’s up there, but I don’t think anyone would miss Wesley
I would execute Wesley myself to save Porthos.
All other 5 of them can save themselves just fine.
Uhura can save herself with a sexy fan dance!
"The dog"...
You mean PORTHOS! Give them some respect!
Exactly! The Dog is Tendi's dog, not Archer's dog.
Aka the Destroyer of Trees, the Consumer of Cheese!
Scotty beamed into the vacuum of space, that’s not a lot of respect either.
The dog is the only one that can't actually consent to space travel, and regardless, couldn't possibly know the risks. It is innocent, and doesn't deserve a violent fate.
Everyone else knows that they signed up to live in a metal box, with an artificial biosphere, which is all that separates them from the cold void of deep space. Also, said deep space is jam-packed full of things trying to actively break that metal box, if the crew doesn't beat them to it first. And nobody knows that better than Seven.
Seven didn't. At least not originally. Annika was dragged along by her parents out into the middle of nowhere to get assimilated.
Yes, she decided as an adult to continue her career in space, but she definitely didn't make that original choice.
Yeah, but no one gets to choose where they live as a kid. Her parents took her to a particularly dangerous place, but plenty of parents go someplace dangerous with their kids on purpose. It's basically abusive behavior, but it's also not like they ever lauded Annika's parents as heroes. They were pretty neutral on what happened.
We all live in outer space, out in the middle of nowhere. Everyone ever has, and will. And not a single one of us got a warning of the risks before they roped us all into this. Kinda messed up when you think about it.
Can I save two if I kill Burnham twice?
two dogs? :D
Just remember that you can't save Porthos and the cheese.
We know cheese makes Porthos sick, but we never found out where Porthos goes when he needs to do his business. Is there a turf deck on the NX-01?
Ask Reed. He's the one that has to walk him.
I guess the same place anyone goes to do there business. Its a bit of a taboo so no one talks about it.
The logical choice is Jadzia, because if you save her you also save Dax.
No one said Dax wouldn't survive. It only shows Jadzia. So still Porthos.
Seven or jadzia is an impossible choice for me
Why is it only women in the comparison with a dog?
Because men aren't worth saving probably
The dog represents captain Kirk
Because this community is filled with dissapointments. Who think it's funny to equate women and dogs. Then brush off complaints with shit like "but the girls can save themselves! god why is comedy illegal now!?"
Don't worry about calling me out for being insulting by calling people dissapointments folks. I'm unsubbing. I cant with this place anymore.
My hormones would choose Seven. God damn that thing she wears always drove me crazy
Oof no one tell op what happened to Porthos.
He got six kinds of cheese. I've seen Enterprise. You can't fool me.
Also, that was a different Porthos in Star Trek that doesn't count and it couldn't have been the same dog anyway unless they invented super long-life dog extension medicine or something.
So what happened to Porthos is he got six kinds of cheese. The end.
... In about seventy five years when he rematerializes...
It would be Dex, but the old fart is gonna make it anyway. So I'll save 1/6th of everyone and let an annoyed hologram fix the rest in sick bay.
Jadzia-Dax. I've just saved two lives.
Sure, that's what Janeway said when she killed Tuvix.
Can I save all BUT one? Because then I'd choose Michael Burnham NOT to save. I actually liked her character in season 1, and even in most of season 2, but once they jumped to the future, she's just become insufferable. I hate the term "Mary Sue," as it is typically used incorrectly (and typically for misogynistic reasons), but Burnham has very much turned a Mary Sue.