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  • You gonnna take these chicken bones, you gonna hang em from a tree. You gonna wait threeee nights, and after threeee nights, you gonna take the bones down, and bury them in the sand along the shores of the coast of the low country, and build a fire. You gonna burn a lock of your hair in that fire, and when it's all burnt out, you gonna add it your bath water. Take you a bath in that water, and then apologize to the witch that cursed you.

  • Pay 10 gold to the local priest. Problem solved.
    \ Not enough gold? Sell some old items that I've been hoarding.
    \ No hoarded items? Then how the hell was I cursed on first place, if not by trying every piece of equipment in the way???

  • I find a 5th-level cleric capable of casting 3rd-level spells and pay the fee. When I learned D&D in 3.5, that cost 150 gold coins

    Coins weigh 1/50th of a pound so 150 coins weighs 3 pounds (1.36kg) and costs roughly $75k USD. I don't think my healthcare covers magical means, so that's probably out of pocket. I guess I'm cursed.

  • It's been scientifically proven that the only way to eliminate a curse is to utilize a strong electromagnetic field to extract the negative spectral ions (often called cions) that comprise the curse from the pores of your skin. If the curse was inflicted to you for a long time or is especially powerful then it might have permeated your body, in which case it requires drinking a special compound of magnetic dust (to attract the cions), activated charcoal (to contain them safely), egg yolk (to hold the formulation together), and vegetable fiber (to aid in passing the result). So depending on the severity of the curse I'd do one of those options.

    • Even better, smear the compound on your body: this has the side effect of making you look like a moron but the thing is, if you tried this remedy indeed you are one.