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She scolds me about not buying anything in the bar we hang at

I'm in quite of a pickle here, and just thinking about it will get me nowhere.


I attend a group hobby weekly.
Quite often we go for a follow-up hang-out in the local bar. I recall everyone else buying a drink and coming to sit down to have a chat.
I don't buy anything. I wait for the first of us ordering and then I follow them to the table.

One of our attendees has commented on my behavior twice so far.
First she said that I'm a bum. That I use the bar's staff and the place for my own benefit. There's a chance that she said that in front of someone else.
Last night she commented that I'm still doing this (we two sat alone for a while). She's afraid that they'll throw us out because of my behavior.

I explained that I rarely buy stuff from bars.
On the second comment I said that I'll probably continue this behavior to the end of times and they won't throw us out because everyone else spends money. And that my friend said that she or her friends do the same thing quite commonly.
I could have felt her loathing upon me.

I don't have the money to buy pricy consumables.
I have my own water bottle and sometimes snacks from a market to keep my belly full enough. Or then I don't eat anything and eat later.
I'm there because of the company.

The employees haven't commented anything about my behavior. I don't know, would they even care.


Am I unfair or is she?

I'm thinking about asking her next time that should I just leave if I'm such a bother to her.
I'm also thinking about suggesting us to talk about this as a group.


EDIT: I don't think this is about alcohol. I believe most of them order something else cos it's late Monday and most people go to work the next day.
EDIT2: We don't have the tipping culture here.
EDIT3: Thanks for all the comments! You give my mind and feels some peace ๐Ÿ’—

  • You're there with a whole group of people who are all spending money, and you're not making any demands of the staff, so I doubt that anyone who works there is upset by it.

    It sounds like this lady is just looking for an excuse to be upset about something.

  • Youโ€™re not doing anything wrong. As far as the name caller is concerned, find a way to respond to her politely yet firmly. Donโ€™t sink to her level, or create reasons for others to criticize your behavior, but donโ€™t take her abuse, either.

    Perhaps act surprised if she brings it up again. โ€œI told you that I donโ€™t buy things from bars, and that Iโ€™d continue this behavior. What is unclear about that?โ€ You have explained yourself as thoroughly as you need to. Donโ€™t let her put you on the defensive. If she wants to make it an issue, thatโ€™s her problem. Itโ€™s her turn to explain herself.

  • Tell her to buy you something if sheโ€™s uncomfortable lol

    On a serious note, are you getting table service or are people going up to the bar and ordering? If table service, I can see why some people might find it awkward, but I donโ€™t think itโ€™s bad to do. If you have to go up to the bar to order, then I donโ€™t even see why sheโ€™d think itโ€™s weird.

    • People walk up to the bar when entering the place, get a drink and take it to tables.

      ...I'm not sure how they'd get a refill (I don't recall my group refilling) but I'd assume they go up to the bar again.

  • What a ridiculous thing to start throwing shade about. You're there with a group and the group is spending money. I always see people just having water or soda out with a drinking group. Bars even give that out free sometimes, for a designated driver situation. If anything I would guess she has an insecurity about going out drinking at the bar and needs you to be doing the same or else she thinks it makes her look bad.

    • I don't think this is about alcohol.
      I believe most of them order something else cos it's late Monday and most people go to work the next day.

  • Look, she's obviously being passive aggressive towards you. The guy saying "tell her to buy you something if she's uncomfortable" is spot on. She's trying to shame you over being different, aka tall poppy syndrome. Show some teeth or she will keep pecking at you. Yes, talk it with the group. If everyone agrees with this bitch it's time to find yourself better friends. You shouldn't be providing an excuse for why you don't want to buy or consume something. Maybe you are not hungry, or you don't want to drink alcohol that late on a weekday or maybe you do intermittent fasting- who knows, what gives, wtf. Seriously.

  • Some of these comments are way too harsh!

    I agree there is nothing wrong with your behavior. I think people are insensitive or just ignorant of others financial situation.

    There are a lot of people who can't afford too many unnecessary expenses. Still there are those who never had to think to much about expenses like drinks in a bar or food in a restaurant. They might not even be conscious of the fact that the people around them might have it different.

    Then there is the general stigma around money, especially not having any. Many people are actively afraid that others could think they don't have money. Feelings of shame and embarrassment around money are not uncommon. These are strong enough to lead to second hand embarrassment, seeing someone else showing signs of not having money. This can be very uncomfortable for them to experience, especially if they weren't aware of it or don't have much experience with it.

    That is why it's nice not to assume that everybody in the group can afford to go to a bar. I know it's not easy to talk about money, but I think it's important to be upfront with your wealthier friends if you can't afford to go to the bar. They might reconsider going to somewhere else or someone's flat instead or just invite you. It shouldn't be upon the less wealthy to do this, but it's an unfortunate reality in most circles I know. The only exceptions are circles where it's common to have no money...

    As for the bar and staff: they might talk and joke about it, because it's unusual, but they would be pretty short sighted to mind it. If you come with a group that pays, they make money. You could always leave and find some place that doesn't mind that one of you won't order anything.

    You could try a sort of compromise and order a glass of tap water, assuming that it's free in your country of course. That way you order something, but make it clear that you won't spend any money. You are not sneaking in and instead being upfront with the staff.

    In any case don't let yourself get bullied into spending money, when you can't or don't want to. I have myself been in the situation often enough that I couldn't really afford such expenses or rather wanted to save my limited money to spend it somewhere else. It's already an uncomfortable place, made harder by situations like that. However, there is nothing wrong with not having a lot of money and being open about it.

    • ...itโ€™s important to be upfront with your wealthier friends if you canโ€™t afford to go to the bar

      In some other/a general scenario this sounds fine ๐Ÿ™‚
      In my case - I couldn't care less about the part of not being able to buy a drink or drinking only water when someone else took something else. So, it's fine by me to sit with them in a bar.

      It's her behavior that made a mood drop.
      Besides...she knows that I live on the basic income support so I believe this isn't the case in my situation ๐Ÿค”

      They might reconsider going to somewhere else or someoneโ€™s flat instead or just invite you

      Sounds nice!
      In my case - I don't think anyone lives that close to the bar, and the bar has been used as a place to hang afterwards by this group for years (I believe).


      You could try a sort of compromise and order a glass of tap water, assuming that itโ€™s free in your country of course. That way you order something, but make it clear that you wonโ€™t spend any money. You are not sneaking in and instead being upfront with the staff.


  • Name-calling isn't necessary at all, if that's what happening. That said, would you behave this way in a restaurant?

    I organise a small group gathering at a local pub sometimes with people who aren't close friends. If it's just one person not buying in a decent sized group, then it doesn't cause a problem for the venue as far as I know. When we're huddled in a corner it's hard to tell who has what drink.

    But you simply wouldn't get away with that if it wasn't for the others buying drinks and we do so to "pay the rent" so to speak. So when that happens there is a vibe of "I'm fine with you guys covering me here". Saying "I don't spend money in bars" isn't that different to saying "I let others spend their money at bars".

    Now if this was a group of good friends, or someone I knew was struggling financially, I'd be fine with it.

    • ...would you behave this way in a restaurant?

      Yes. I haven't ordered anything while a friend has eaten something.

      But you simply wouldn't get away with that if it wasn't for the others buying drinks and we do so to "pay the rent" so to speak

      Hmm. I think I wouldn't go to a bar with a group of people if nobody were ready to buy anything.
      I'd believe a library would be one better option in that case.