The question on everyone's mind.
The question on everyone's mind.
The question on everyone's mind.
Now that the crew is all caught up, we can get back to making jokes about ridiculous use of spells. Mechanics jokes coming soon :)
Here's the last October Konsi.
Cuuute!! I've missed my random doses of goblin adorableness.
I feel like I am missing something. Why is Toron wondering how Konsi is still alive?
I do intend to follow up in a later comic.
It's probably my art not doing this justice, but Razira is 6'4" and 200 pounds of muscle, Konsi is 4' tall and weighs 40 pounds when wet. Toron himself is physically very weak (he rolled a 6 for strength, and avoids all physical activity whenever he can).
In Toron's mind, it's a miracle that she survived the experience.
i was under the impression it had to do with something like “dying” of embarrassment but i’m not really sure
Fuck yeah Konsi!😁
Konsi is back! Wohoo!
Aha! So the cat is out of the bag. Finally!
Konsi is super cute :)
I missed these! Thank you as ever for posting these.