Liberals at it again with the gleeful ideas to cause misery on people who could be considered Russian
Liberals at it again with the gleeful ideas to cause misery on people who could be considered Russian
Retweet from The Son of Bowie
Liberals at it again with the gleeful ideas to cause misery on people who could be considered Russian
Retweet from The Son of Bowie
Fact: the only person who uses Windows with Russian language settings is Vladimir Putin, and he can't read any other languages.
Hopefully he doesn’t allow auto update
I remember watching Oliver Stone's interviews with Putin from 3/4 years ago (I'd recommend watching them, v interesting) and you could see he had Windows XP with a picture of the Kremlin as his desktop background. In recent photos of him at his desk you can make out that he's still going strong on XP with the exact same background. :putin-wink:
lol, imagine if they actually did it and suddenly nobody in the Pentagon could see, let alone translate, Russian messages.
That would be the embodiment of this.
But "hate the government not its people" right?
“The people deserve it for having that government “
And they do it by looking for a Cyrillic keyboard generally
It's not like any other languages use Cyrillic