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  • Always happy to help!

    No I'm not .

    Could you do (time)?

    I will never be able to pick a time :-

    It'd be easier to discuss in person


    (Being assertive)

    Not a chance :'D
    This stuff is all bad for me 😅

  • This is great! I found this sorting by New and these tips are applicable for anyone (not only those suffering from ADHD) to have a more authoritative and confident tone to your digital communications.

  • Could you elaborate on how ADHD affects writing e-mails, if you do not mind? I expected writing e-mails would be more comfortable for someone with ADHD because they can take their time with the e-mail. But then again, the time is limited and maybe this freedom to write in your own time means that you write a single e-mail way too long, rewriting it, … I do not know much about it. I would welcome some insights on the topic.

    Nevertheless, I like some of these suggestions very much. I might try and see if I can improve some phrases in my e-mails with these as well.

    • One of the major reasons this applies to ADHD for me is the fact that I can fall behind on projects and emails and then feel the need to over-apologize and over-extend myself to fix the problem. Several of these tips address it. It's more about boundaries than emails per se, if that makes sense.... I mean, let me know if you have any questions :)