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funny post on the neoliberal sub /r/DogFree: "Lunatic childfree couple worship their dog"

childfree vs dogfree...let them fight


Margaret Thatcher: "there is no such thing as society, there are only individuals and families"


"It's so wholesome to see a family without a pet dog...The whole family is talking with each other and, well, being a family.

The ideal family doesn't need a dog. A dog is a living parasite of a burden.

I notice family units are usually stronger when they don't have a dog.

That’s what it looks like at my house. Peace, quiet, chatting with each other. We can come and go in and out of the house without a "shadow"

Without a shadow? new type of vampire ghoul just dropped

  • Turning a dog into a surrogate child is a form of depravity. I don't get it. I never will. Help me understand the appeal.

    Gotta be honest here I agree with that. Pets are cool, but they're not furbabies or whatever.

    I am expecting the comments on the dogfree subreddit to be terrible though

  • Wait this isn't a satire sub?

    • Why would it be?

      I have a dislike of dogs driven by fear personally, and prefer to not be in the vicinity of the ones large enough to do serious harm if I got attacked. Thus, you have a bunch of people with even stronger fixations and a misanthropic view coming together and creating a subreddit or other community.

      From this, say a strong fear of walking by fences where you know dogs are, charging at you from behind the fence and barking at loud volumes, you have a self-strengthening echo-chamber with some added reddit-brand smugness to it.

      "I don't like/fear dogs/other phobia commonly faced in the wild" can for example turn to "I hate people who are likely to own a dog" or whatever. Or it could not and stay as pointless and bizarre posting like this.