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The media isn't relenting on Biden's cognitive decline. This is from CNN.
  • i saw a comment today that was like "oh, one bad night because of a stutter and a cold and suddenly everyone wants Biden to step down, even though he's the only one who we all agree can defeat Trump" like there's always going to be a few dozen people living in fantasy land, and once Trump wins, they're going to be like "see, I told you so! I told you Trump winning would be a bad thing! I was the only one that realized this!"

  • What's the chapo view on totinos peppironi pizza rolls?
  • i think i'm making them in the microwave wrong cuz they always end up kind of chewy. next time i'm gonna try pan-frying

  • They're not actually going to run Sundown Joe now right? Like, they can't actually believe he'll have a chance.
  • they don't care. they can see it coming and anyone with the power to force him to step down is okay with that.

  • A centrist dipshit on dive bars
  • amerikkka needs the pub, now more than ever

  • A centrist dipshit on dive bars
  • poker tables at the casino

  • Cruelty Squad dev with another W
  • yall lack a sense of political poetics

  • Cruelty Squad dev with another W
  • rubbing yrself raw to the prospect of a rooftop garden

  • Cruelty Squad dev with another W
  • it's an online utopian fandom. anarchism without the an, the arch, or the ism.

  • Cruelty Squad dev with another W
  • profoundly deranged tweet, and yet, true in every word

  • Mad Lib: A position completely _____ from _____ evidence, as ridiculous _____ as it is dangerous _____, _____ by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely _____ by their _____ for "the Libs".
  • yeah, if, for example, Bernie had decided to double down on a crusade against the democratic party and run again, while openly undergoing cognitive decline, I would be voting for him, and advocating that others do too. ultimately the importance of the figure of the president is more symbolic than anything.

  • If I could force merge subreddits, Teachers & Parents would be high on the list.
  • parent is one of the most numerous kinds of people in the world. however, it does raise the troubling possibility that some redditors have reproduced.

  • Why is the 9th gen of consoles so.... barren...
  • this is conjecture, but i think the growth of the "indie" tier of games has bifurcated the market and made AAA titles larger and more conservative. makes no sense to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into a game concept that's even slightly different from something with proven mass-market appeal when a studio that's a hundredth the size with a thousandth of the budget might make something way weirder and still hit a tenth of your sales goal. it's just not maximizing your return.

  • Why is the 9th gen of consoles so.... barren...
  • the PS2 was famously long lived, with new games coming out for it years after the PS3's release. I think if Sony really wanted to force people to upgrade they could just do so by fiat, but historically they just haven't wanted to, preferring to release the next gen as a high-end upgrade at first, and only later releasing a variant that's within most peoples' budgets.

  • ¡hasta la victoria siempre!

    sorry to violate my strict no-wojaks code of ethics, but i thought this one was good enough

    keeping the lands from a sealed events?

    So, I'm not a very experienced drafter, but I know you're supposed to return the lands you take from the land station. Recently though I attended a WOE draft (faeries, 1-2-0) and accidentally walked off with the 16 lands I borrowed. I know monetarily that's only a few cents, money that the store probably made back that night just off sales from the bulk box, but in terms of etiquette, just how bad is it?

    Especially welcome comments from people who have worked in game stores.

    What's your preferred deckbuilding software or site?

    I've been using Archidekt. I really like the built-in playtester, but the interface can be kind of sluggish, and some of the design decisions, especially around categorizing and sorting, are quite clunky.

    I know there are a lot of options but I haven't tried any of them. Are there any that you'd recommend?
