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Is [Wisconsin] Legislature Illegally Grabbing Executive Power? | [Governor] Evers suit charges Legislature has repeatedly violated state constitution. Data Wonk: Is Legislature Illegally Grabbing Executive Power?

Evers suit charges Legislature has repeatedly violated state constitution.

Data Wonk: Is Legislature Illegally Grabbing Executive Power?
  • I get what you're trying do with the titles, but can you....not? It's making them even more incomprehensible.

    • I'm not sure what you mean. Rule 1 states I can only add context or description to the article title, and I used the convention I've seen on other articles posted here of putting the added parts in brackets. If I did not put Wisconsin and Governor in their spots, the title would be missing all context as to what was happening for readers outside of Wisconsin.

      • The link says Milwaukee so that implies Wisconsin. The rest of the context falls into place from there. People can also read the article and clearly see it's about the Wisconsin Governor Evers.