I want to believe
I want to believe
Source: cursedtrekedits on tumblr
I want to believe
Source: cursedtrekedits on tumblr
David Dutch-oveny
Great, now I gotta watch some good X-Files episodes again...
I've been watching it through for the first time, it's great. Into S4 now.
Not even gonna lie though, I skipped Home. I knew what I was in for and I just had a kid, I wasn't up for that lol
You punk! Go back and watch it!
I watched it completely unaware what I was in for and I was hardly 12 years old! They didn’t even have TV ratings back then. We just got a “Viewer Discretion Advised” warning and they let it loose!
Yes, nearly 30 years later, I’m still a little scarred from the episode, but it’s a part of the whole X-Files experience. It would be like skipping The Host in Season 2! Experience!
If they'd used a B'rel-class it could've been less than a decade off from being potentially-canon (The Voyage Home was set in 1986; X-Files started in 1993).
So weird to hear it put like that. I watched the X-Files when it aired (at least when my parents let me) and The Voyage Home (which was released in 1986, not just set then) seemed like a classic old movie to me at the time.