You'll have to ask a tougher question like "If there is a cat trapped in a house with a button that kills 8 billion people when pressed and the only way to avoid the cat stepping on the button is to let it outside, would you do it?"
Yeah we only need something laughably small like 20k people to bounce back or something. I read somewhere we could have a survivable amount of genetic diversity with just 26 unrelated people but idk if that's true.
It doesn't have to be 8 billion at once right? We can keep deleting 8 billion fascists for centuries with that button, after which we will have communism
Effective Altruism, amirite? First, you must merely comit the greatest act of evil possible... after which, utopia awaits for infinite future hypothetical people!
Carl Marks killed like 100 trillion people with only his piss and that still wasn't enough to bring about communism so I don't know why your plan would work
If it was a button press I don't think there would be any sort of the saving the state for transition so in this scenario, I'd assume it would just be some sort of tiny pockets of anarchist societies for whoever remains.
Mfw you kill 8 billion people to prevent capitalism from killing 8 billion people, just for early access to communism that would've happened eventually anyway.
You would kill billions of people just to make the rest conform to your ideals? Congratulations, you've graduated from communist school and will receive your diploma in the mail shortly.