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What distro(s) do you use?

What Linux distribution or distributions do you personally use?

I myself am a daily Void user. I used to use Devuan, but wanted to try rolling release and ended up loving Void!

  • Arch Linux. Always very up-to-date and the AUR is huge. No dealing with PPAs or snaps or flatpaks or appimages. Just paru -S any-software-ever-made. Also very streamlined (systemd for everything lol) and well documented. I tried NixOS for a bit but it was very inconvenient in comparison and I felt like it was impossible to tinker with or understand if you weren't good at Haskell. Terrible documentation.

    For servers it's definitely Debian + docker.

    • I tried NixOS for a bit but it was very inconvenient in comparison and I felt like it was impossible to tinker with or understand if you weren’t good at Haskell.

      You don't need any haskell knowledge to configure a NixOS system. It's mostly just researching the right options and setting the desired values. Pretty simple. For more advanced stuff like custom modules, functional programming experience helps a lot but that's not necessary for installing packages and enabling services.

      Documentation isn't great but what it does have going for it is that it's right in the place where you configure it: In the NixOS options. Wanna configure systemd-boot? Just search for it:
      It's self-documenting.

  • OpenSUSE, Tumbleweed on workstations (KDE) and Leap on my server.

  • I fall firmly in the Ubuntu/derivative camp for the most part. My laptop is on Pop, some of my virtual servers are on Ubuntu. Only exception is UnRAID, which is technically Slackware.

  • I used to use Void as my main distro, but then the developer drama made me shy away from it (keep in mind, this was like forever ago and I haven’t looked at Void at all since). After that I floated around trying everything, from Gentoo to the BSDs (I know, not Linux). Nowadays I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I got tired of doing everything manually and OpenSUSE just makes everything so much easier to use, IMO.

    • I got tired of doing everything manually

      Perhaps check out NixOS

  • Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Arch. :) I need to learn NixOs or something that is immutable / reproducible at some point.

  • Fedora, for the “It Just Works”™ experience of an enterprise-supported distro.

  • Debian, for ultimate stability, Fedora for every day, and Arch for my project box.

  • I use primarily Fedora for desktop/dual boot and minimal Rocky for server. I mess with Arch and Manjaro when I'm feeling adventurous.

  • I've felt in love woth Debian the moment I used it for the first time

  • Fedora on the desktop. I got my start on Red Hat Linux so I've stuck with it since.

    For servers I use Debian. Lightweight, widely used, and gets the job done.

  • I'm currently running Mint on my Computer and Ubuntu on servers.

  • Linux Mint for desktops/laptops (Cinnamon if the hardware can handle it, MATE if it's a bit long in the tooth), and Debian for servers.

    I've used several distros (yes, even Arch btw) through the years but I just keep finding myself coming back to the Debian-based ones. I guess I just feel most at-home with the way it has things set up, or something.

  • Mint with Cinnamon is my daily driver on my desktop and laptop for almost 3 years now. I ran a company for a while using Linux and managed to find everything I needed for software to run administration. It was great. I still have a windows tablet for troubleshooting and equipment specific requests, but I always feel weird logging into it.

  • Manjaro. I am a guy of habits, so I never really distro-hopped, I once tried to install Arch and failed to configure everything so I tried endeavour and failed too (which would mean I am not a tech guy either ;). Ultimately, I'd say that the distribution does not matters much once you are used to it, you can always get what you want from any of them. The only thing I really like in comparison with others is pacman :)