Wesley Madison
Wesley Madison
Wesley Madison
If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles O'Brien!
That Miss Rashella is one hot piece of asssh
Well, she is Sue Ellen Mischke, the braless wonder from Seinfeld.
braful everything elseless
They’re spectacular
Can someone explain this meme to me?
It's a combo of 2 scenes from Billy Madison
This meme gave me flashbacks
I was about 12 playing baseball with my friends. Some younger kids were playing dodge ball nearby and their ball rolled onto our field. I ran over grabbed the ball and threw it back to one of the kids. The little eight year old said something to me ... I didn't hear it but I knew he was swearing at me. I turned back to him and everything went black ..... the little shit just wanted to distract me so that he could whip the ball in my face.
All I remember is that sound .... WANGGGGGGG!!! ... ringing in my ears, everything turning black and falling back on my ass.
Nothing like a little childhood trauma. Hope the little shit got it back somehow.
Every time I think about that moment ... I want to slap that little shit and make him cry ... at least he didn't use a tire iron
But that was 30 years ago ... over 30 years ago (fuck I'm old) ... I have a pretty nice life and on my way to retiring comfortably ... and the little shit is a drug addict with four kids, his fourth or fifth relationship and living in a shack
I want to beat the little eight year shit but I feel sorry for the 40 year old adult .... but if I had the chance, I'd still whip a red rubber ball into his face.