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What are you Reading? (August 2023)

I've put together a collage of some books from last months What are you Reading? post. It's mostly random, but the more discussion something gets the more it stands out to me. Going forward I'm going to make a new post every month to talk about what people are reading.

Here is last months post. What are you Reading? (July 2023)

At any rate, what are you currently reading or plan to read in August?

  • Currently on book 3 of the Bobiverse. Most fun, zany scifi I've read in a while.

    Edit: Seveneves was fun too, currently also reading Termination Shock. We really need those "earth suits" I think ...

  • In July, I finished The Lords of Uncreation (and therefore the Final Architect trilogy) by Adrian Tchaikovsky, read the newest Lee and Miller Liaden novel Salvage Right when it arrived, then zoomed through Wool, the first of the Silo books.

    Currently, I’m reading a Star Trek novel Agents of Influence by Dayton Ward. It’s a sequel to the excellent Vanguard and Seeker series set in Star Trek’s 23rd century. Not sure what’s next.

  • Finishing off Abbadons Gate. Managed to get back into it after many months long break.

  • I'm on book 13 of wheel of time and am planning to do a re-read of the extinction cycle again after I finished wheel of time, I just love those books