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recommended search engine?

I've seen a lot of discourse over which browsers we use and I myself have made the switch from brave to firefox. I still use brave as my search engine though, so... which do yall recommend? Is brave's engine necessarily bad to use? I personally like its ui/theme.

  • I personally use Ecosia, it's got a pretty decent privacy policy (esp compared to google/microsoft) and it uses Bing's index so the results are pretty good. The main selling point is they use 100% of their profits for planting trees. The quality of the results is 99% of the time fine but if I ever get something I can't find (or if I'm doing an image search) you can just add #g to your search to search google.

    It's overall a pretty good search engine by itself, but the fact it plants trees pushes it leagues ahead of the others for me

  • I'm another Kagi fan - after customising it a little it's just so good, and I haven't even played with features like lenses.

    I really like the custom bang searches (e.g. I could make !ks gravity search on simple Wikipedia), especially on mobile since Firefox Android doesn't support the normal browser quicksearches (where you set a keyword for each search).

  • Google's localization is much better than any search engines I've tried.

  • I'm probably going to get down-voted for saying this but my primary search engine is Bing because of the rewards thing but I often use Brave's search engine for more private searches.

    I would also consider looking into either Ecosia or OceanHero. Someone has already mentioned Ecosia but OceanHero does something similar but for cleaning oceans.