Minecraft is getting a graphics overhaul with the Vibrant Visuals update
Minecraft is getting a graphics overhaul with the Vibrant Visuals update

Minecraft is getting a graphics overhaul with the Vibrant Visuals update

Minecraft is getting a graphics overhaul with the Vibrant Visuals update
Minecraft is getting a graphics overhaul with the Vibrant Visuals update
even if they add vibrant visuals to java I'll most likely stick to using photon and complementary shaders. But the new graphics honestly look so appealing stylistically to me, that it's a close match. If the new graphics are more compatible with different fancy modded effects that would definitely get me to use them in heavily modded scenarios.
Obviously huge for Bedrock players, especially those on consoles, who have not had access to something like this (outside of the RTX thingy on PC). They did mention that they're exploring bringing it to Java edition as well though, it'll be interesting to see how this will stack up against shaderpacks made by the community, or if they'll even add the ability for custom shaderpacks to vanilla so you no longer need mods like Iris or Optifine.
Shaders aesthetics have always been a matter of taste. I don't suspect these shaders will stand out among the existing options for java users, except in one huge way: accessibility.
I'm most curious about the performance of these vanilla shaders on Java. Will they run better or worse then other popular shaders (like Sildur's Vibrant Shaders) ?
Looks like it's just finally just official RTX for non-Nvidia graphics cards. Especially since it's just for Bedrock to start with. Interesting that they never referenced RTX in the presentation. I'm guessing some exclusivity period with Nvidia has expired.
It’s probably not RTX. They’re likely just putting in a more modern shader pipeline.
No, I get that. Otherwise they'd have to mention the requirement of Nvidia RTX chip sets. It's just effectively the same thing. Shaders and lighting effects that give 90% the same result as raytracing.
I was just remarking on how similar it was and that it was unusual that they didn't say "similar to the effects that were available on RTX resource packs."
Oh wow, I didn't know microsoft made a game like Luanti or Vintage Story, cool!
Microsoft don't make it, they just take credit for the Mojang team's hard work and occasionally force them to add unpopular features.
"Microsoft" is a name we use in US culture to refer to a certain nebulous negative force that resists, consumes and destroys things that "make" in the realm of computers.
Think of Microsoft as a god of byzantine decay that exists in the digital realm and randomly punishes people with crushingly inane forms of torture.
Saying Microsoft didn't make minecraft is like saying the ocean didn't make a sandcastle, it hardly needs to be said :P
Other than the water , not bad !