Report: The White House Easter Egg Roll is for sale
Report: The White House Easter Egg Roll is for sale

Report: The White House Easter Egg Roll is for sale

Report: The White House Easter Egg Roll is for sale
Report: The White House Easter Egg Roll is for sale
The Tesla (sorry, Tesler) ad copy the president read in the White House driveway didn't give it away? This administration can be bought without any strings attached
At this point, I think debasing his office is a sexual fetish. That also lines up with the pee tape.
At this point, evidence suggests, he kegstand’d a urinal and gobbled down three turds and a cigarette butt.
So we're reaching the One Nation under Copyright stage.
Uh huh. And where would these proceeds be going exactly??
Oh. You know.
The what?
Think of it in a similar context to a ‘three legged race’ except it’s kids pushing eggs to ‘roll’ them towards a finish line. It’s an annual event held on the south lawn.
As someone who is atheist/satanic, until I clicked the article I was like 'wtf do rolls [food] have to do with eggs and bunnies?'. I'm still pretty confused - I assume they roll some eggs down a slide or something - but apparently it's a tradition so it doesn't have to make sense.
Here’s another: my family has a traditional Easter breakfast featuring “cheese”. But this “cheese” is eggs.
I don’t see anything like it online in the brief time I looked, but I imagine I have to some how break free of search results only containing contemporary and sponsored links and I just don’t have the time now
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